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K-9 Puppy Gold

Has anyone used this product and if so how did it work for you?

Re: K-9 Puppy Gold

I did use K-9 Puppy Gold on an English Cocker litter in early 2010. I don't know if it really did anything fantastic for the litter. It is impossible to know but it was recommended to me by another breeder. The litter was very healthy all the way through until leaving at 11 weeks of age. The puppy I kept from the litter was in her very first show this past weekend at age 6 months and one day. She went Winners Bitch Saturday and took Best of Breed on Sunday. Maybe it was the K-9 Puppy Gold?!? Marilee

Re: K-9 Puppy Gold

I used it with my singleton puppy a few years ago. They REALLY like the taste of it, promoted a healthy appetite and gave my puppy the bloom that I wanted. She finished her Can. Ch. before 10 months of age.

Re: K-9 Puppy Gold

I have used it on several litters and even give it to mom just before and after delivery. I wean the pups on it along with their raw food diet. All strong, vigorous and healthy babies. You can even use it as a puppy milk replacer when pups need something extra as tiny babies. It's been good for my guys.