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How many of you give calcium injections along with oxytocin injections if needed?
What is the amount in the calcium injections that your vet give you, and if so, how many shots. My vet usually gives me three shots of oxytocin. I give tums while whelping and some ice cream, but someone recently told me they give calcium injections. I was under the impression you didn't want a bitch getting to much calcium. Thanks for any input.

Re: Calcium

JMHO while calcium is necessary during whelping I personally am not a fan of injectable due to the potential side effects of an unintentional overdose. Over the years I have found that using a tube or 2 of OralCal Plus has had the same effect while minimizing the possible side effects on my girls.

Re: Calcium

I agree with Susan. The Oral Cal plus is easy to give and I wouldn't be giving injectable calcium. That's what vets are for. Too easy to OD

Re: Calcium

I just had a litter of 12-asked the vet about calcium and was told that you should not give it unless it is truly needed. I brought the dam each week for a blood test to check levels and even with nursing 12 pups her levels remained completely normal thru weaning.
That is just my exp. not saying it is right or wrong.

Re: Calcium

I used it under the direction of my vet for my last whelping and it worked perfectly. The amounts/cc's varied throughout the whelping but my bitch was given 3 injections total and whelped 10 puppies. I used it when the time between puppies was pushing 1 hr and 45 minutes. After the injection, a puppy arrived quite quickly. Will use it under the direction of my vet for sure.