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Possible Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder

A friend of mine is waiting for the results of tests done on her lab who had squamous cells in the urine.
Anyone have info on this possible type of canine bladder cancer?
Nothing definitive yet but I would like to get info for her just in case.

Re: Possible Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder

There is a newish treatment with laser surgery being practiced in northern NJ as a treatment for some canine bladder cancers. I saw an interview last year with the veterinarian on Dr. Brian Voynick's cable show, The Pet Stop. It was a type of bladder cancer more common in small terriers, Shelties and Beagles. I believe this laser surgery was practiced elsewhere, also. Link below:
It sounded more promising for some types of canine bladder cancer than the pills my friend had to use with her terrier years ago. The pills did help extend the life and quality of life for her girl. However, the sealing of lesions by the laser would have prevented some of the bleeding and slowed re-growth significantly, far better than cut and sew type of surgery or the pills. I admittedly have no idea if this treatment or the links would be helpful for the Lab if it has a bladder cancer other than the Transitional CC in those little dogs. Sending well wishes!

Re: Possible Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder

Oh how I wish that treatment was around 4 years ago.

Re: Possible Squamous cell carcinoma of the bladder

Still waiting for a diagnosis on my friend's dog but wondering if anyone has heard of Essiac or the Budwig diet for treating cancer in dogs?
Also read that some bladder cancers are being treated with laser surgery.
Thanks to the person that posted that link!
Any and all help, comments, suggestions are welcome.