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no discharge after delivery?

I'm a nervous Nellie.
My bitch delivered 8 puppies 17 hours ago. Two hours after the last puppy, I gave her a .5 ml cleanout shot of oxytocin on the advice of my veterinarian. In general is was a "clean" delivery" not a lot of blood, etc.

Usually my bitches have quite a bit of discharge at this point and in this bitch, there is virtually none.

My bitch seems relaxed, normal temp, is eating and drinking.

Should I be alarmed?


Re: no discharge after delivery?

I have one girl like that--fairly clean delivery, not a lot of discharge.

My other girls have nasty haunches and tails for days, but she is clean and dry.

As long as everything appears normal--temp, attitude, etc. I wouldn't worry.

Re: no discharge after delivery?

One girl of mine was terribly messy during whelping and for two weeks after.
The next litter with a different girl was clean as a whistle. Hardly any fluids during delivery and nothing after. Not to worry. You can always check her temp periodically to be safe but I think you're fine.

Re: no discharge after delivery?

It is probably normal for her but I would ring your vet to let him know.

I've never had a girl without a discharge or with a lite discharge. Matter of fact, I worried because it continued heavily for at least 3.5 _ 4 weeks at the least. The first time, my vet checked one of the girls. There was no odor and a normal coloured discharge. It was just what I described to him, a copious discharge. In all of my girls it was copious for almost a month or longer.

Maybe it's b/c she had a clean whelping also.

Re: no discharge after delivery?

I have had quite a few bitches who had no discharge the first few days. Don't worry about it.

Re: no discharge after delivery?

I would check with your vet. My last litter had little to no discharge. When the puppies were 8 days old, in a matter of hours, the bitch's temp spiked to 106. I noticed when it was around 103 and started taking it every 15 to 30 minutes. I had to put her on meds and it took 12 hours to bring down the temp. The afterbirths were causing an infection and yes, I gave her a clean out shot too. Everybody came out fine but is was a scary 24 hours. Better to be safe than sorry.