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Safeguard for Goats

What is the dose that some of you use for dogs and the duration of use?


Re: Safeguard for Goats

I start @ 6 weeks..1 cc/ml per 5 pounds for 3 days.

1cc/ml for 10 7 days... back on 10 days.

Tractor Supply sells pyentnol poamote for horses. same as Nemex 2 it's sold in a liquid.
dose is 1 cc/ml per 20 pounds by weekly

Re: Safeguard for Goats

Does no one take their dogs to the vet anymore?? Pay for DOG medication? Why have dogs if you treat them as goats? No wonder the PETA people are after us.

Seriously, these posts prescribing medications should be removed from the site. If someone wrote triple the dosage on this site, would you use it? Would you even KNOW?

Re: Safeguard for Goats

FWIW, liquid safeguard is available for dogs in other countries. It is just not packaged as such in USA. Vets here do make off -label use of liquid cattle safeguard for dogs. Actually, a lot of the meds vets prescribe, such as pyrantel pamoate (Stongid T) for cats, is off label for that species.No, folks shouldn't be prescribing, but listing what they use is not prescription. Good idea to check dosage with the best vet first: I agree.

Re: Safeguard for Goats

Also FWIW, my VET told me how to use safeguard for goats, Ivomec for swine (of the travesty!! LOL), amoxy, ceph and prazi for fish and marquis for horses!!

I agree no medical advice or doages sould be given out on a FORUM, but there is nothing wrong with buying products labeled for other species if they are the EXACT same thing and your vet TELLS you too!!!

Re: Safeguard for Goats

education is the key, know what is in the dog meds and you will understand it is the same drugs in other forms.
Just because someone post a dosage does not mean the other breeders should take it for word with out researching.

Many of us have multiple species and have been off label using for well over 25 years. wow my dogs are still alive and healthy!!

I agree, my dogs and horses get the cattle ivermec. My goats get cattle valbazen, and the dogs get the liquid safeguard bottled for cattle and horses.

Oh yeah it was my vet who turned me on to the marquis horse wormer for coccidia and then a breeder on here mentioned about Road Runner Pharmacy compounding Ponizuril....which my vet has to call in with a prescription.

there are even off label meds being used by human doctors....its called experimental drugs.

Re: Safeguard for Goats

TO DOES>>WHO THE HELL ARE YOU??? The dose IS correct genius. What the hell is the matter with you? fenbendezole is fenbendezole.. prescribed BY my vet.

Does EVERY SINGLE post have to have a flippin nut case pipe in?

I think some of you need to get some meds for yourself. Get a grip!!

People need to start posting their names.

Re: Safeguard for Goats

Thank you Donna! Your information is helpful. Don't mind these folks from the living dead muddling this thread. They are not worth the time.

Re: Safeguard for Goats are quite welcome.

Re: Safeguard for Goats

Sorry, I actually agree with "Does" in that I have seen a lot of medication prescribed or suggested on this forum over the years, some of which is incorrect, harmful, or misinformed.
Unless you are getting advice from a veterinarian, or have been through 6 years of intensive education and private practice yourself, please do not prescribe, prognose or diagnose on this forum.
There is no substitute for experience or knowledge or dues paid.
For those who cut corners financially by not seeing or consulting a veterinarian, or worse, think they know MORE than a veterinarian, you are mistaken.
To prescribe or recommmend treatments or medication on this forum, you are in violation of the law.
If you follow through with lay advice or treatment on this forum, shame on you!
We are not vets, or lawyers, or policemen, or instant professionals of any kind, unless, of course you are one of these professions, and you notice, those are the people that know better than to give information online!
It is a great world of internet information, but not all of it is to be taken to heart!

Re: Safeguard for Goats

Well said Robin.

Re: Safeguard for Goats

This is a forum that is in place to discuss various things going on in the dog world. There is nothing wrong with answering a question with a response that tells another person what you yourself do with your own dogs. It's up to the readers to research that information, perhaps discuss it with their vet or decide if they want to use that information or not. For years, we breeders have been using various treatments that were not tested or approved for use in dogs. How do you think it all got started to begin with? Farmers used livestock meds to treat their household pets. This has been fine tuned over the years and many of the medications used in small animal practices by your vets are nothing more than the same with a different label on it and the price jacked up. Many of these meds are interchangeable among many animals. Keep an open mind and accept that others may have another opinion.

Re: Safeguard for Goats

Funny thing is, my vet always asks me what I have at home when there is a common issue going on - he knows I keep FishFlex and other meds at home and has no problems with me giving it when I think it's necessary, especially if there's a problem over a weekend that I can't get to the vet for until Monday. He is an old farm vet and appreciates an intelligent, informed client who works with him to treat their animals. Get the right dosages from a vet, keep appropriate meds on hand, and work with your vet, not depend totally on them for all your dogs' problems.

Re: Safeguard for Goats

safe guard is not a prescription drug it is sold to anyone who has a dollar out of catalogs and feed stores.
So it is not breaking the law, thank you.

Once I get it home I can do whatever I want to do with it and it is none of your business.

how do you think farmers survived before veterinarians were around? they relied on their fellow breeders and farmers knowledge and lessons learned.

to add to the vet issues, a good vet is a vet that has gone through school (8 years total) and continues to educate themselves on formulas, seminars, conferences and listening to experienced clients.

I happen to have a great vet who has an open mind and would rather cure an animal than to follow only what the pharmaceutical reps that walk in the office offer. He is open minded because for 40 years he has treated everything from cattle to snakes. there is not one rule that covers all.

Re: Safeguard for Goats

The op did not consult his/her vet. The op went online to ask total strangers how to dose a dog with goat medication. If your vet works with you that's fine, but this is someone standing in the aisle of a store asking strangers how to use a medication not made for her dog. Anyone could get on and answer, giving her bad info. She owes it to her dogs to pick up the phone and call her vet. If she/he cannot do that, they need a new vet. And THAT is the point here.