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Is It Too Risky?

I'm thinking about traveling to a few dog shows where I'll have to stay overnight. Is it safe to take along a 10 week old puppy whose only had their first set of shots? He would have to be in a crate or x-pen near the rings as it's too hot to be left in the car. I can't leave him home so if it's not safe to take him along, I won't go -- and that would be OK.

Re: Is It Too Risky?

If you're asking the question, I think you already kind of know the answer. I'd try to find somebody to keep him for me, or not go. Chances are he'd be fine but could you get past the guilt if he got sick? Tough choice.

Re: Is It Too Risky?

It is not safe until he is at last 4 month old.

Re: Is It Too Risky?

Then why at Potomac are there always puppies, xpens full sometimes? Is it to sell them or no one is at home to care for them?

It never ceases to amaze me how many puppies are around at large shows. I won't do it, will do anything to have a pup or pups cared for safely at home. If the family is working, someone comes in during the day 2 times until they get home for afternoon meals and a good exercise period.

Some breeders carry around 3 month old babies because they're *cute* and I think it's plain stupid. Don't be like them, for the health of your pup.

Do we sell our pups to buyers that will drag the pup around all over at a young age? Most of us don't.

Re: Is It Too Risky?

Yes, I would agree, don't bring a puppy under the age of 6 months to a show. There have been countless instances of young puppies contracting parvo at shows and not surviving. Don't want your puppy to be a statistic! They are too precious...

Re: Is It Too Risky?

I don't think anybody who has been showing for a while hasn't picked up something a show. Usually the sickie is a dog. Sometimes it is the exhibitor. Dog shows are loaded with germs of all kinds. The last thing you need is to be on the road with a sick puppy.

Re: Is It Too Risky?

Puppies under 6 months of age are not allowed on the show grounds at an AKC show. At Potomac the AKC rep is normally not present, but at other shows they are normally there and will make you remove an under age dog from the show grounds.

So besides picking up a bad things, how do you feel about putting your puppy in a car while you show?!!!

Stay home with your puppy, there will be other shows.


Re: Is It Too Risky?

Thank you all for your comments. I think I knew the answer before I posted the question. The puppy & I will both stay home -- yes, there will be other shows! Thanks again.

Re: Is It Too Risky?

Yes, I would agree, don't bring a puppy under the age of 6 months to a show. There have been countless instances of young puppies contracting parvo at shows and not surviving. Don't want your puppy to be a statistic! They are too precious...

You don't have any puppy classes? I will be taking my puppy to her first show at 4 months next month but she'll be shown in younger puppy class 4-6 months.. she's fully vaccinated though.

Re: Is It Too Risky?

You must need a mentor, that you listen to. Heat, heck no, age heck no. Are you kidding ? You can't be for real. Must be someone checking to see if we take our dogs out in this heat. Think you do know the answers.

Re: Is It Too Risky?

I start bringing my pups to outdoor shows at 12 weeks after they have had their third shots. It is great for socializing, and I have not had a problem with illness at all. I don't worry about parvo at shows too much, as most breeders are careful to vaccinate their dogs.