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puppy chew toys


I have a 9wk old puppy, and am trying to find good things for him to chew on. I have nylabones for him, and he is ok with that and stuffed toys. He found one of my old Labs rawhide, and he was "sucking" on that (I was watching him to make sure he was not going to choke on it)
Is there anything that is safe for him to naw on? Are marrow bones safe? This would be with supervision.
What is suggested to put in the crate with him when we are not around?

Thank you in advance. It has been 15 years since we had a puppy

Re: puppy chew toys

I don't give any bones, just nylabones. I do let them have the big sows ears from Merrick, I have found that a young puppy only gets off small pieces, mostly gumming the edges. That's all in the way of natural products. I give kongs with peanut butter inside.

Re: puppy chew toys

Big RAW marrow bones are safe, and they love them.

Re: puppy chew toys

I find the only safe thing is giving them raw marrow bones......I like to freeze them for puppies.....the coldness feels good and they last longer.

Re: puppy chew toys

Bully Sticks! They last a long time with a puppy. They're a little pricey, but the safest thing I've found. I order from here: