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Clear Discharge at 5 1/2 weeks???

I have seen this egg-white discharge at 3 weeks post breeding and have always taken it as a good sign of pregnancy. I have also seen it a week or two before whelping and just figured it was getting a little squishy in there. This girl has a 2 inch string of egg white discharge but she is 5 1/2 weeks along. Can anyone tell me if this is a cause for concern or what it would be from? The Vet said not to panic and just keep her quiet and on bed rest now. Is this something that would indicate the pregnancy is in jeopardy? Advice and experience would be most appreciated. Thanks.

Re: Clear Discharge at 5 1/2 weeks???

If the discharge is odorless, it's probably the normal discharge that is seen in PG girls. BUT...If it stinks to high heaven, see your vet ASAP.

Re: Clear Discharge at 5 1/2 weeks???

Agree. Hoping all is OK with your preggy girl.