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Hello.. If I got My Rally Novice in an A class... Do I enter my boy in a CD class A or B?? Do I enter Rally Adanced B or A?

If I get a CD in an A class Do I enter Rally Novice in a A or B class? Do I enter CDX in A or B?

Re: Obedience

Since you have a Rally title, you must enter in B class for the CD, For the rest of the regular Obedience, you will enter in A until you reach the coveted Utility title, then you will have to enter in B.

For Rally, you can continue to enter in the A class until you get the Rally Excellent, then if you want to go for higher Rally titles, you will enter in B.

Obedience Novice A is a one time deal (well, 3 qualifying scores). You can only enter in that if you have never titled a dog (whether it be the one you are entering now or one from the past). After you have a titled dog, you must enter Novice B for Regular Obedience. Rally you can enter in the A group no matter if you have titled a dog or not.

Hope this makes sense.

Re: Obedience

You have this backwards. If you have ever gotten a CD on any dog, you must enter Rally B.

You can get all the Rally titles you want on your dog and if you have never put a CD on any dog; you can go Rally A all the way and obedience A also.
However once you get a CD it's Rally B

If it is your first dog in obedience, you can enter Obedience A going on to CDX, and utility. Having rally titles does not require you to enter obedience B.

I've done all this and been trained by the best.


Re: Obedience

You have your first Rally Title, congrats, in rally you would show in Advanced A, then in Excellent A. If you get a CD in obedience before finishing Advanced or excellent you move to the B class in rally. Once you finish advanced you show in B in advanced, once you finish excellent you show in B in both Adv and excellent towards the RAE.

If you have NEVER titled any dog in obedience, you can go for novice obedience in the Novice A class - entrance in Novice A in both rally and Obedience means the handler has never gotten a title in obedience.

Once you put a CD on any dog your only choice in Novice is Novice B. If the DOG has his CD, he has to be in the B classes in rally. If the dog has the CD, they then go to the Open A class for the CDX, then Utility A. once the dog has finished a regular obedience title above novice, they show in the B for that title, so open A till CDX, open B after.

Anyone can show in the B classes no matter if they have a title or not.

Re: Obedience

Yes. May I add that EVERY exhibitor should get themselves a copy of the Regs and READ THEM!!!! I am amazed at how many folks (who should know better) still enter the wrong classes!

Have fun! Anne