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Puppies on grass

I am interested in other breeders' opinions about allowing pups on the grass to play between start of weaning and 8 weeks. I ask because I usually experience the usual nasties as in "bacteria overgrowth", and the Albon treatments begin. I understand this could be cocci,giardia, etc., but the vet never seems to be able to make a diagnosis other than "bacteria overgrowth". I begin letting the pups on the grass at about 5 weeks, and I'm starting to wonder if this is part of my problem and could I avoid any of it by not letting them on the grass. I hate to go that route because I believe the lawn play is good for their all around mental and physical growth. What do you all do?

Re: Puppies on grass

Hey! They're dogs. Put the pups on grass.

Re: Puppies on grass

Mine go out on the grass starting at 4 weeks for short periods of time, and gradually increase to spending most of their day in a yard that has both cement and grass. I have never had 'bacterial overgrowth'. I give them yogurt and probios to help boost the GI system. Perhaps that's the difference?

I think it's imperitive that they get play time on grass.

Re: Puppies on grass

If they can't play on your grass without getting sick, what are they going to do when they get home to the new owner's yard just a few weeks later and are stressed out by the move?

Maybe whatever food they are on just isn't right for them if it can't build up their immune system enough that they can cope with a little grass and dirt. Just a thought, don't know what else it could be.

Maybe you need to remove the contaminated soil and grass and reseed or sod.

Re: Puppies on grass

Any change in environment or diet for baby puppies usually brings with it intestinal upsets. I always have Safe Guard and Ponazuril on hand.