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early milk

What is the earliest your girls have ever gotten milk? My girl in whelp isn't due until Aug 13th, and I am sure I saw drips of milk today in a crate she likes to curl up in. Isn't this way too early?

Re: early milk

Yes I've seen this on a couple of my girls.

Re: early milk

This is not too unusual, to see milk two weeks or more before the litter is born. Be aware that extra calcium can cause milk to come early, and you do not want to increase calcium before the puppies are born, but slowly, after they are born. I have seen this twice with other litters, both times extra calcium in the form of a milk supplement or puppy food. It won't kill a bitch or the puppies, but it's not good to increase the calcium before it's needed or it may actually shut down the body's calcium production.
But don't worry too much, everything should be okay if she is producing early milk.

Re: early milk

Thank you for the responses.
I haven't given her anything additional except a handful of puppy food in her regular food once or twice a week. I do give her a bit of the calcium suplement Nutri-Cal once there are a few pups on the ground.
Thank you!

Re: early milk

Sounds like you are doing a good job with your girl. I wouldn't worry too much, some bitches and some mares do just produce milk early...just make sure you massage and squeeze out the teats a bit so they can stay supple and so that the milk does not build up.

Re: early milk

I had a bitch who stimulated her own milk *very* early before whelping. She had a c-section, and following that section she vomited up a huge amount of milk. The vet and I wondered if she would have any colostrum for her puppies, as it was a huge amount of true milk. A friend whelped a litter the next day, so I took my babies over for colostrum just in case. We were not surprised when the puppies got very fat, very fast, since she had a milk supply that would feed an adult dog quite nicely. :-)

As they say, if you stick with this long enough, you'll see everything!

Re: early milk

Robin McBain
This is not too unusual, to see milk two weeks or more before the litter is born. Be aware that extra calcium can cause milk to come early, and you do not want to increase calcium before the puppies are born, but slowly, after they are born. I have seen this twice with other litters, both times extra calcium in the form of a milk supplement or puppy food. It won't kill a bitch or the puppies, but it's not good to increase the calcium before it's needed or it may actually shut down the body's calcium production.
But don't worry too much, everything should be okay if she is producing early milk.

I agree with you Robin. I never give calcium before a litter is on the ground.

I also have seen milk pre-whelping. Usually the larger the litter the more apt you are to seeing it.

Your girl should be fine, if in doubt double check with your vet.