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Hitting 'em where it hurts...

Today I received a large (9x12) envelope from HSUS seeking a donation. Enclosed were a 2011 calendar along with several pages of literature. Also enclosed was an oversized business reply envelope with postage paid. Since I don't support this organization, and in fact am opposed to their agendas, I simply folded and stuffed all the literature, including their initial mailing envelope, into the reply envelope supplied and mailed it back to them. They will now pay return postage, which gave me a fuzzy, warm feeling .

Just consider this a suggestion for any and all unsolicited donation mailings that you'd like to see stopped. FYI it works the same way for credit card solicitations...

Re: Hitting 'em where it hurts...

I've been doing that with the HSUS drivel that arrives in my mailbox for the past couple of years. I THINK that they're finally getting the hint as I don't seem to be getting as many soliciations from them as I used to!

Re: Hitting 'em where it hurts...

I've been doing that for years. I just make sure to remove everything that has my name and address on it. Heck, I've even taken stuff from other junk mail and stuffed it into the postage paid ones. LOL

Re: Hitting 'em where it hurts...

Don't know if you all have seen this website:

Re: Hitting 'em where it hurts...

I've been doing that for years. I just make sure to remove everything that has my name and address on it. Heck, I've even taken stuff from other junk mail and stuffed it into the postage paid ones. LOL

I do this all the time for places like Planned Parenthood, etc. But I leave my name on so they will get the hint not to solicit me anymore. I recently received the same large HSUS mailing and also crumbled and sent back. But I wrote a note why. Not that anyone will read it. They will open it, and when no check falls out, just discard it.

Re: Hitting 'em where it hurts...

...I recently received the same large HSUS mailing and also crumbled and sent back. But I wrote a note why. Not that anyone will read it. They will open it, and when no check falls out, just discard it.

I did that with PETA. Twice within about 5 years I got a membership offer from them (we moved within that time). I sent them a note pretty much demanding they remove my name from their mailing list and telling them how embarrassed I was that our mailman saw mail coming to my house from them.