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Rhode Island show

I am up visiting in New England and I see that there is an all-breed show with supported entry by the Pawcatuck River LRC this coming saturday so I am planning to go take a look, hoping to meet some labby people and see some nice dogs. Anyone here planning to go?

Re: Rhode Island show

I'm going! The show is just minutes from my home....I hope you enjoy our tiny little state!

Re: Rhode Island show

who is judging Labs at this supported show?

Re: Rhode Island show

who is judging Labs at this supported show?

Sharon Celentano (Shar-Jam Labs)

Re: Rhode Island show

Thanks for the reply; perhaps I'll see you there!

Re: Rhode Island show

There will numerous lab owners/breeders from the Pawcatuck River LRC there. Just introduce yourself, we are all pretty friendly! Where are you from? The sweepstakes start @ 9:30.

Re: Rhode Island show

Hi Lori,
Thanks, that's what I'll do! Glad you mentioned 9:30, infodog says 10:00 AM. I'll get there early...

Re: Rhode Island show

with 83 Labs entered there should be some very nice dogs there.

Sweeps judging starts at 10:00 followed by regular classes at 10:45.

Re: Rhode Island show


I think the previous post with the sweeps start time of 9:30 is an error. The entire show does not start until 10:00 and Lab sweeps starts right at at 10:00.

Re: Rhode Island show

Okay, thanks! I'll get there early anyway... :-)

Re: Rhode Island show

Does anyone know what the venue is like? Just wondering how crowded it is going to be for crating, etc.