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I received a request for a puppy for an auction....

from our local Ronald McDonald House. I need a good message/letter to send back on why this is such a horrific idea. Any links would be appreciated.

Re: I received a request for a puppy for an auction....

Sallie- Visit the AKC website, as they do have a statement about obtaining puppies via raffles, auctions etc. that would probably help you.

Re: I received a request for a puppy for an auction....

In some states its illegal. Hopefully it is in yours and informing them of this will put a stop to it pronto.

Re: I received a request for a puppy for an auction....

Auction Policy (July 2003 Board meeting)

The Board reviewed its policy on Auctions, considering the recommendations of the High Volume Breeders Committee. Following a motion by Mrs. Strand, seconded by Mr. Gladstone, it was VOTED (unanimously) to revise AKC policy on auctions to read as follows:

1."The American Kennel Club considers auctions and raffles not to be reasonable and appropriate methods to obtain or transfer dogs." (Note: items 1 and 2 have been reversed in order, but no wording has been altered).

2."AKC's current inspection program shall include kennels/individuals offering dogs for sale at auctions."

3."Any dog sold at auctions that is under 8 weeks of age or without microchip identification will be ineligible for AKC registration and shall be placed on permanent referral."

4."The American Kennel Club discourages Parent Club rescue groups from purchasing dogs at auctions. Although Parent Clubs may be doing good things for individual dogs purchased at auctions, it perpetuates the problem and tends to create a seller's market. Reciprocally, auctioneers seek more dogs of those breeds to offer at auctions. AKC applauds the work of Parent Club rescue groups on many fronts. However, AKC believes that the purchasing of dogs at auctions is not overall in the best interest of purebred dogs."

Re: I received a request for a puppy for an auction....

I had this same request from Ducks Unlimited where pup would go to a hunter. I wrote them a respectful letter explaining why responsible breeders do not submit their pups for auction. It's an opportunity to educate the public.

Re: I received a request for a puppy for an auction....

We have worked in our area to persuade D.U. to allow us to sell a puppy from our home, with the same screening we use for all buyers, on a CKC Non-Breeding registration with a private spay/neuter contract, and donate the proceeds from the sale to them. To my knowlege, they have never accepted this as their primary policy re: the use of pups for fundraising. Seems they prefer the cute puppy to be up on the auction block.

Years ago, my vet told me that a byb down the road from us donated a 5 month old black, which was auctioned off at the D.U. banquet which he attended, (which served alcohol) and after much bidding, was sold for 400. The byb who donated it then stood up and announced he still had the rest of the litter and anyone who wanted them could have them for 200 each. It was after this happened that a few of us worked hard to try to educate D.U., and to convince them that the proceeds after we screen a home and sell to an approved buyer would be way more than that. Seems they weren't interested. It was several years ago, but I still hear of pups being auctioned from time to time and I have never been informed that they changed their policy on it. A shame, because I just can't support them, despite other good work they do. I just can't get past it.

They're not the only ones, our work sponsors a foundation for children, which I won't name. They announced they were hoping to get a puppy to auction off. I told them the usual speal, and that I would happily donate one on those terms. Never heard back from them either. Guess it's just not showy and flashy enough. :(