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Pete Dawkins

Does anybody know what Pete Dawkins looks for in a Lab in conformation?

Re: Pete Dawkins

The only thing I was able to gather was that he likes handlers and yellow dogs. Other than that, I wouldn't know because he only took a very brief look at my girl's mouth, quickly touched her neck, then brashly instructed us to do the down & back- in which I could tell he wasn't paying attention anyway as he was already onto the next dog before our return (back). If he's a tooth fairy, he wouldn't have found anything in her mouth (she has full dentition and a beautiful bite) that didn't warrant going over the rest of her. He also didn't excuse a dog that was obviously lame either. Also, he's very inconsistant- the BOB line-up was a modge podge of Labradors (and not because that's all he had to choose from). He's on my DNS list...But, good luck to you!