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I had a dog cerf at 6 week & 1 year, not he's got some eye discharge and it looks like possible entropion. I will be taking him to the vet but was wondering if others have had similar experiences? I'm wondering if its just a temporary condition due to his head maturing or if it was missed in the first 2 exams.

Re: Entropion

It sounds like conjunctivitis which is contagious and cured with drops. Don't panic.

Re: Entropion

It sounds like conjunctivitis which is contagious and cured with drops. Don't panic.

Couldn't agree more, any entropion I have ever encounted was visable at 8 weeks old, if an older dog appeared to develop it I would be looking at an infection or something in the eye as the problem.

Re: Entropion

Excessive heat and dust can cause eye irritation with secondary entropion. Correct the dusty conditions and it should go away. If there is no ulceration, triple antibiotic with cortisone helps with the irritation and the entropion might improve too.

Re: Entropion

It could be allergies.

Re: Entropion

mild entropion can CERF. I have a chocolate girl who has this. Sometimes her lower lids are droopy, but other times they look a bit turned in. First I thought it was ectropion. My ACVO vet said that her lower lid is a little longer than her upper one, and this is not uncommon in Labs. He did not recommend treatment at this time. She does get discharge out of her eyes occasionally.