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Interesting from Infodog about handlers

Re: Interesting from Infodog about handlers

Not accurate. Does not take into account the many people who use handlers that do not list them in the catalogs.

Re: Interesting from Infodog about handlers

Also does not take into account owners handling their dogs even though the handler is on the dog in the MBF system, which puts it in the catalog.

Re: Interesting from Infodog about handlers

Didn't we JUST discuss this last week or the week before....OR????

Re: Interesting from Infodog about handlers

I remember someone who used to post on this forum and did some research ringside about handlers. She counted the handlers and owners herself on a large number of shows. She found that handlers won in classes and WD/WB in proportion to how many handlers were showing. I hope I said that right. But I think she meant that if 60% of the entries were shown by handlers, 60% of the wins in classes and WD/WB went to handlers. But if 75% of owners showed their own dogs, 75% of the wins went to owners. Again, I hope I remember that right and also said it right.