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Please Help - Lame Dog

Hi Guys,

Wondering if anyone can share ideas about what something like this could be. I got the letter from my Dad this morning about his dog and my heart is just breaking for him but I don't know what to suggest. Your input would be greatly appreciated.

"Chris, have you ever heard of dogs suddenly going lame in their front. Roxy can hardly walk anymore and we have had x-rays, blood test and nothing comes up. She can't go for walks or even come upstairs now. Karen can hardly stop crying and I have to tell you, I'm having problems with it too. Yesterday I found her with her front paws on her special chair but she was just laying her head on the cushion because she couldn't get up into it. I helped her up and had to leave. When I came back she had fallen on the floor and her front paw was caught in her collar and she just layed there looking at me. I don't know what to do and hoped you had heard of something..anything. This is so sad and Neko is feeling it now."

Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

Check for Lyme disease.

Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

TREAT for Lyme disease. Often the tests are false negative. The antibiotic won't hurt and if it is Lyme it will certainly help.


Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

This breaks my heart. Please let us know what the outcome is. Lyme is my first thought too.

Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

Lyme here too. Plus I agree, start on doxycycline without a diagnosis. Time is of the essence. I know of 3 sold by me as pups that died when the vets failed to treat for Lyme.

Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

Check for Lyme but also check vertebra in neck/shoulder to see if there is injury. Maybe a chiropractor could help - but treat for Lyme, for sure

Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

to check/treat for lyme or other tick borne disease.

The idea of a chiropractor is something else to look into.

Very sad. Prayers for your Dad and his dog.

Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

Do you think she may have a bad elbow and just lately have hurt it real bad. Some dogs favor pain alot more than others. Not sure how old but if old she might just need some Rimadyl. Hope he finds out soon.

Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

Seriously, from what was mentioned in post by the Original Poster... there is not enough information given to warrant treating for Lymes, etc. No background information on the dog such as age, medical history and so forth.

Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

How old is this dog, and how suddenly did these symptoms come on?

Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

Seriously, from what was mentioned in post by the Original Poster... there is not enough information given to warrant treating for Lymes, etc. No background information on the dog such as age, medical history and so forth.

Please slow down about your own treatment. Maybe you need a 2nd opinion vet. I wouldn't treat for Lyme Disease until all else is ruled out. Doxy could mask more blood work results or symptoms of other diseases. Remember, it is an antibiotic and at least 4 weeks of treatment is needed.

Once on it, other bloodwork could come back with hidden or inaccurate results.

If everything else is ruled out, I would then ask the vet to treat for lyme with doxy with a positive or negative Snap test. Doxy is the drug of choice for Lyme but we don't know what the vet already tested for and might not have yet. Until then, don't treat for it unti you know it's nothing else.

At the least, tell the vet your intentions. Don't just go ahead and do it when not enough testing might not have been done. Posters don't know enough about the medical background, age of the dog or prior-current medical conditions.

I'm all for treating for Lyme, please rule out everything else including but not limited to orthopedic problems.

Sometimes there are too many cooks in the kitchen.

Re: Please Help - Lame Dog

Have the blood drawn to test for Lyme but start him on doxy immediately afterwards. if it turns out not to be, you've only had the dog on meds for a few days. if it turns out to be Lyme, you've gotten a head start. Having a head start can be crucial with this disease.