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I'm showing my dog for the first time and I'm having problems with keeping her head up. When we gait she hangs her head on the leash and looks at the ground. I've taken a handling class, and she is doing well with everything else. What should i do to keep her head up while gaiting? Thanks!

Re: Gaiting

Try holding bait close to her face with your right hand while you gait. If you can feed her a bit on the fly do it. She will get the idea that she has to look up while gaiting.

Re: Gaiting

Jr. Handler
I'm showing my dog for the first time and I'm having problems with keeping her head up. When we gait she hangs her head on the leash and looks at the ground. I've taken a handling class, and she is doing well with everything else. What should i do to keep her head up while gaiting? Thanks!

Try using a chain collar and giving her a good snap when she drops her head to the ground.

Re: Gaiting

The bait trick will help keep her attitude up too.

Re: Gaiting

My motto is "loose lead, their speed". If a dog feels tension on the lead he or she tends to lean into it. If you take the tension off they look up to see what happened to you. Get her revved up before you start moving - give her a quick rub, say "are you ready" with an excited voice, then "lets go!" when you start moving and go at a brisk pace. When you stop, immediately give her a great treat - chicken or liver. Vary how long you move so she never knows when you will stop and give her the treat. Also try making left turns as soon as she puts her head down - bump into her and say "lets go" again. Good luck!

Re: Gaiting

Actually a dog will lower its head to move more efficiently. If this is what's happening- not that the dog is sniffing the ground and trying to pick up stuff- then this is normal. Try to see how your dog gaits on its own- across the backyard or in an open field. You usually will see a straight line from head to tail. Trying to get a dog to hold its head high in the show ring will only throw off its gait and shorten its reach. Give the dog a loose lead and move out- not too fast- and see how he does. Sometimes the dog is just pulling downward because you are pulling up on the lead. In juniors, the judge will be looking for you to be showing the dog at a gait proper for the breed. Easy does it! The judge will take note if you are yanking on the lead- he will be looking for the loose lead. Good luck out there! Smile and enjoy your dog- the rest will come! If you see an older Junior with a Lab- talk to them and show how you are gaiting the dog- they will help you too.