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We have fleas horrible around this part of Michigan. Very sandy ground here. Great drainage but sand fleas love it and it's been so hot, unlike past years. Use spot on but it is not working like it usually does. They are not getting on us yet in the house. Vacuum several times a day. Flea combing dogs constantly. I have a pregnant bi*ch ready to deliver in less than a week. She is not dosed of course so can only give her so many baths with dish detergent, will dry out her skin. So afraid puppies will get them. Is there anything safe that any of you are using to combat this? On the dogs and something that could be used on the yard? We have a lot of ground to cover, living on a farm but at least could cover dog yard. Appreciate any input you can share.........


Not sure about yard care, but if you have cats (even barn cats) treat them too - fleas like cats better than dogs and will breed on them, but then jump from the cat to the dog.


AND cats don't scratch like a dog so they can be crawling with fleas and not give any outward signs. If you have indoor/ourdoor cats you have fleas... Frontline the whole crowd


I do not have any cats right now. So no problem there........


Use is animal and human safe once it is dry. Works wonderfully!. dont be afraid to spray the outside of your house and the door jams. It will kill anything that crosses the path of the spray.


Try- Twenty Mule Team Borax
I have use it for year's in the dog yard and along the tree line. And NOCK ON WOOD I have had no flea's. Or TICK's
Dust with a very light sprinkle and then water in or do it when it's raining. You can also put a heavy line of it around the foundation of your home. My dog have never gotten sick or gotten a loose stool from it. You can also sprinkle it on your carpet's let sit for awhile then vaccum, or use table salt on your carpet's and around the base board's to kill flea's and egg's. Keep's ant and spider's away also. I don't let dog's on the carpet's until after I vaccum, so they don't sniff it up there nose.


get some lavender - from plants or the flower buds that health food stores carry in bulk and make a "tea"- just soak in a bucket of water for a few hours, then strain. use this "tea" for everything- rinse the dogs, the beds, the grass, under the deck. Bugs hate lavender. If you can , plant it all around your dog yard. It is edible and harmless to puppies. Bees like it in the spring though, so don't put it next to the deck, but along the fenceline is good.

Diatomaceous earth is sold by the bag- NOT the type for swimming pools, but the food grade type. Look for it at organic garden centers. Use it to dust areas. It is dusty, so wear a mask until it settles.


CAPSTAR!!!!!!! Safe for pregnant bitches. Available at your vet or online at Entirely

Insect Growth Regulators. IGR
Safe for humans and dogs - they just disrupt the life cycle of the Flea and it can not reproduce.


From the website:

Do the FRONTLINE Brand Products have any additional label claims?

Effective May 2003, FRONTLINE Plus and FRONTLINE Top Spot were approved by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to be used on pregnant, lactating and breeding dogs and cats. FRONTLINE Spray is not approved to be used on pregnant, lactating and breeding dogs and cats. In addition, FRONTLINE Plus small size that was initially labeled for 11-22 lb dogs has now been approved for the use on any size dog up to 22 lbs.

FRONTLINE Brand Products are now approved for the rapid elimination of chewing lice infestations on dogs and cats and as an aid in control of sarcoptic mange infestations on dogs.

Also, any FRONTLINE Brand Product may be applied to dogs and cats as young as 8 weeks of age and older.


Get a flea collar and cut a couple of pieces off it and put the pieces in your vacuum cleaner bag. It will kill any fleas you pick up. Put the rest of the collar in the package it came in and save it for later.