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Demodex Mange

Just bought an 8 week old pup 4 days ago. His hair looked a little thin around the eyes but thought it might be my imagination. Now he has several crusty areas on his elbow. When I talked to the breeder she mentioned the mother had Demodex mange because of the stress of having her pups and lowering her immune system. My puppy now has been placed on Ivermectin for possible Demodex. I was told if he does have it, he would out grow it. Is this true or do I need to be worried. I am considering seeing if the breeder will take him back and refund my money.

Re: Demodex Mange

My poor rescue had demodex when I got her. It took 3 months to clear up her severe case, along with multiple treatments. I would ask the breeder if they will be covering the expenses since it was an inherited condition at the time of purchase. Do you have a contract or a state puppy lemon law? If they will not cover the treatments, I would consider returning the puppy. You should not be responsible for a condition, especially since it appears the breeder did not give full disclosure at time of purchase

Re: Demodex Mange

The Ivermec will get rid of mange. Also, you could try Revolution. A different chemical but works wonders. I don't think a dog "grows out of it", but the Ivermec or Revolution will get rid of the mange and unless he goes through more stress should be gone for good.

Re: Demodex Mange

There are actually two types of demodex- generalized, which is genetic and a horrible thing; localized, which is usually in one or two areas and brought on by stress of some type (environmental, nutritional, emotional). The first should not be bred but the second is fine and will go away. The treatments of ivomec or revolution both work. You can also topically apply the ivomec mixed with oil to the affected areas.

Re: Demodex Mange

You can also try Promeris. I've seen it work well with severe cases.

Re: Demodex Mange

It is only two dime size spots on one elbow and a thinning around the eyes so it would be considered localize. If I do get it cleared up, does it come back periodically during the dogs life time. I like the puppy I just don't want a life time problem of demodex mange and he was purchased as a breeding male to eventually breed to my female after clearances

Re: Demodex Mange

Puppies that have localized demodex if treated properly rarely have recurrences. I'm sure your pup will be fine with the regiment you're doing of Ivomec.
I wouldn't worry about this affecting his ability to be a great show dog/producer for you.

Re: Demodex Mange

Puppies that have localized demodex if treated properly rarely have recurrences. I'm sure your pup will be fine with the regiment you're doing of Ivomec.
I wouldn't worry about this affecting his ability to be a great show dog/producer for you.

Isn't anyone concerned that the dam had this and that the breeder sent this puppy home not telling the new owners about the condition and that now the new owner is paying for treatment on a puppy they have had for 4 days?? In some states the law requires the breeder to pay for this treatment or refund the entire puppy price or more it determined to be unfit for sale

Re: Demodex Mange

It is my understanding that d mange is not contagious, so if breeder says the bitch has it and now the pup does - wouldn't that most likely be generalized - ????

To rescue mom - I agree. I would certainly pay for the meds. And I hope the breeder contacted the other puppy buyers to tell hem to keep an eye on their pups for signs of mange.

Re: Demodex Mange

"Isn't anyone concerned that the dam had this and that the breeder sent this puppy home not telling the new owners about the condition and that now the new owner is paying for treatment on a puppy they have had for 4 days?? In some states the law requires the breeder to pay for this treatment or refund the entire puppy price or more it determined to be unfit for sale"

No matter how hard you try as a breeder, sometimes these things happen. it has happened to me and when I was notified, I offered to pay for the vet expenses, take the puppy back and treat him in my own home or give a full refund. That was the end of it. No one came to arrest me, sue me or otherwise make me feel unworthy of being a breeder. All you can do is relax and try to help the new owners get through their problem if they choose to keep the puppy.....and as a breeder, get ready for the next problem because have no fear it'll happen.

Re: Demodex Mange

I think the breeder should take the puppy back. Once the puppy is over the problem, THEN the breeder should give you back the puppy.

Re: Demodex Mange

Are you kidding ? No worry about the mom. And the pup will be fine. Geez. But if you have concerns I would take the puppy back. You may never be happy. If you had said that to me I would want my pup back. But it is fine.