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puppy discounts

Do you inform families of an undescended testicle and/or inverted vulva before going home at 8 weeks?
Do you discount for either?
Thank you for your experience.

Re: puppy discounts

Nope, full price on both. I educate buyer on how to manage an inverted vulva and for undescended testicles, I make the buyer aware but I have yet for it not to descend by 1 year of age, when they get removed anyway

Re: puppy discounts

To not inform them would be totally unethical, not to mention that it could get you in a heap o' trouble! (Do you think they might not notice?) I would be more inclined to say I would pay for whatever treatment/surgery is required to correct the condition if it doesn't correct itself within xx months.

Re: puppy discounts

I wouldn't discount but then again I don't live in an area where puppies cost the same as a downpayment on a new car. My puppies are already "half price" based on certain parts of the country...

And besides, an inverted vulva doesn't cost anything extra to the owner, just a wait through one heat cycle.

Re: puppy discounts

Are you trying to say a puppy should not cost as much as a down payment on a car? A puppy/dog is a living breathing animal surely more valuable than metal(fiberglass) and rubber.

OP: In this case, I would not discount your price for the puppies.

Re: puppy discounts

By the way, a puppy with an inverted vulva should have a season before she is spayed. After the first season, the inversion tends to correct itself. Spaying before that puts the puppy at risk for a lifetime of urinary infections.

Just make sure the buyer is OK with that long before they come to pick up the puppy. It is not something you want to discuss as they are walking out the door.

Re: puppy discounts

I wouldn't discount but then again I don't live in an area where puppies cost the same as a downpayment on a new car. My puppies are already "half price" based on certain parts of the country...

And besides, an inverted vulva doesn't cost anything extra to the owner, just a wait through one heat cycle.

And a boatload of expensive antibiotics for frequent UTI's if cranberry pills don't prevent them. I once gave a full price refund for Inverted vulva which my vet (and I) had missed. I never regretted it, pup had many UTI's the first year of life inspite of preventative measures - new owner was an RN and cleaned vulva scrupulously after eash void- still UTI's. You have to live with your concience.

Not sure what I'd do if we produce another inverted vulva but I would probably charge slightly reduced price, make sure they used cranberry pills and have the understanding that some would be refunded if there were frequent UTI's.

Re: puppy discounts

Oh please

I wouldn't discount but then again I don't live in an area where puppies cost the same as a downpayment on a new car. My puppies are already "half price" based on certain parts of the country...

And besides, an inverted vulva doesn't cost anything extra to the owner, just a wait through one heat cycle.

And a boatload of expensive antibiotics for frequent UTI's if cranberry pills don't prevent them. I once gave a full price refund for Inverted vulva which my vet (and I) had missed. I never regretted it, pup had many UTI's the first year of life inspite of preventative measures - new owner was an RN and cleaned vulva scrupulously after eash void- still UTI's. You have to live with your concience.

Not sure what I'd do if we produce another inverted vulva but I would probably charge slightly reduced price, make sure they used cranberry pills and have the understanding that some would be refunded if there were frequent UTI's.

Re: puppy discounts

Male: Let them know about it and pay for the difference in price for the neutering of a cryptorchid if needed at the end.
Female: I would not sell her. I would not sell her, just place and advice about care and possible problems in the future.

Re: puppy discounts

Male: Let them know about it and pay for the difference in price for the neutering of a cryptorchid if needed at the end.
Female: I would not sell her. I would not sell her, just place and advice about care and possible problems in the future.

This is insane! Just place her? An inverted vulva is a "nothing thing" ! How long have you been breeding? 99.9% of the time an inverted vulva causes ZERO problems, and male and female puppies and adults get UTI's too - WITHOUT having inverted anythings!

You'd better place all your puppies for free, as you have to advise EVERY puppy owner about possible problems in the future about every aspect of your puppy's physical being.....these are living creatures, not sofas!

Re: puppy discounts

I've had girls w/ "innies". A couple have been my keepers including my 4 mo old keeper from the most current litter who had an innie at the time of the litter well check which I pointed out to my vet (used to breed/show labs). She had no concerns about it and said it'd be a moot point after her first heat-- dropped it at that. As it is, this pup had grown out of it a few weeks ago already.

Maybe there are degrees of innies, but I've not yet had any issues as long as I make sure to use either Vit C or cran caps which I do anyhow, innie or outie.

Re: puppy discounts

no way
Nope, full price on both. I educate buyer on how to manage an inverted vulva and for undescended testicles, I make the buyer aware but I have yet for it not to descend by 1 year of age, when they get removed anyway

You have the best reply!

The only problem is some vets discourage waiting to spay a girl with an innie until after the 1st heat cycle.

It happened to me with my 1st litter. The 5.5 mo. bitch was spayed and had a large surgery for the innie vulva. My poor baby girl. I was a newbie breeder but if I got sucked into the BS, any puppy owner can.

So be sure you warn about vets discouraging just 1 heat cycle.

Re: puppy discounts

I start RV pups on crancaps at 6 weeks of age and of course inform the buyer about first heat cycle and send buyer home with a bottle of crancaps. If buyer says they can't handle going thru a heat than the pup stays here till I find the right buyer.

I also send a letter for them to give their vet informing the vet that the pup has a RV and per my contract must have a first heat cycle prior to spay. This does help keep vet from pushing early spay.

Undescended testicle, inform buyer. If not dropped at time of neuter I will pay the additional cost for vet to go in and get it. Usually 75-100 more around here.

Re: puppy discounts

I also have had girls, just let them have a heat. They are fine. I have kept at least, two and have had pups with no problems. No UTI at all. What in the world. Someone is giving you bad info. And NEVER give a pup away. Boys if for sure after 6 mos. they have not descended then you might offer $100 toward vet bill since the neuter will cost more. No big deal on either. If a pup family takes a girl like this they better know to let her have a heat. Vets will do all sort of surgerys on these girl. Not needed ! Again, someone might need a mentor.

Re: puppy discounts

Thats because most vets don't know enough about RVs and push the surgery (vulvoplasty).

I know a number of pet people that had pups with RVs and they went thru the first cycle with success, refused surgery and educated their vets.

Re: puppy discounts

can you tell me the dosage you give the young pups-I would love to send them home with the caps.
Thank you!

Re: puppy discounts

I use this product and give 1/day for prevention. If urine PH is elevated I give 2/day (am and pm meal) and recheck PH in 1 week.

fruit extract is better than juice extract.

You can also get a good product at GNC.

Re: puppy discounts

Hands down this is the only cran cap I will use because its scientifically proven/RESEARCHED to work!

You can purchase from this online drug store (not available in stores) and other online vet pharmacies without issue, I received mine in 3 days and sent a bottle home with a family as well. My vet was charging $10 more for it!!

Re: puppy discounts

no discounts, BUT I will pay any additional$$ when it coes time to neuter the boy. For a bitch I encourage ppl to allow for a first heat prior to spaying AND suggest they talk with their Vet about "natural remedies" BUT, if this puppy ends up needing antibiotics, etc for what is pre-existing condition then I assume this would be covered by "lemon laws" in most states?

Re: puppy discounts

I've had girls with RVs and perhaps I've been lucky, but (knock wood) never had a UTI. I do not give supplements.

However, I can understand how those who have had frequent UTIs would be adamant regarding preventive care. I would just hope you are either providing the cranberry supplements to the new owners or making an allowance for the extra cost involved. Crananidin or those capsules from Progressive Labs aren't cheap, so requiring their use amounts to a fairly hefty surcharge each month. Recessed vulvas are common in the breed and I don't consider them a big deal, but I'm not sure I'd like to pay extra for the privilege.

Re: puppy discounts

Is it really necessary to buy cran caps from an expensive site like Progressive? I buy my own crap caps from Costco or CVS and they work fine for me when I feel a UTI coming on rarely.

I don't like the gelatin and beeswax in them. Do all cran caps have gelatin? My urologist said it's not a healthy substance and told me to find cran caps without gelatin and preferrably without beeswax.

TIA for any information for puppies in case I ever have a girl with an innie. I normally don't see them in my litters.

Re: puppy discounts

No discount
I use this product and give 1/day for prevention. If urine PH is elevated I give 2/day (am and pm meal) and recheck PH in 1 week.

fruit extract is better than juice extract.

You can also get a good product at GNC.

Do you always bring in urine samples for PH checks to your vet? Is it necessary to have the PH checked and if you do is it only during a UTI?

I find it difficult collecting urine from my girls. The boys are easier, I wait for the stream to begin and put a sterile cup right under their sheath to catch some urine midstream which is best. You don't need alot for a urine culture.

You can join the GNC club to always get a discount on their products. It's well worth the small fee.

Re: puppy discounts

You test the pH yourself; just get test paper from the pharmacy. It comes in a roll like really thin tape, but is just a strip of pH testing paper.

For girls, I use a soup ladle (dedicated for the dogs and kept with dog supplies! LOL!) to catch their urine.