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Prion 50

Anybody know anything about Proin 50? Vet prescribed this for my sister's 9 y/o collie who is suffering from incontinenance. I'm not familiar with it.

Re: Prion 50

I used Proin with one of my labs. He had urinary incontinence since the age of 2.5 years and lived to be 14.5 years. As he aged we did have to increase the dosage as it seemed not to work as well. We used proin and a wrap with a diaper in it the last couple of years. He did not seem to suffer any side effects.

Re: Prion 50

I had a 3-year-old bitch who developed post-spay incontinence a year ago and was put on Proin. It seems to have worked well, as she is in a pet home and they have no problem with dealing with her "issue". It is a lifetime deal with the medication, and as the other poster mentioned, the dosage will likely be increased as the dog ages. Side effects are negligible as far as I understand.

Re: Prion 50

Main side effect is the possibility of it causing a rapid heart rate is some dogs but this seems to be rare. I have not had any problems with the dogs I have prescribed it for. It is reasonably priced and the chewables must taste good. I have yet to have an owner come back and say their dog wouldn't eat the tablets. Debbie

Re: Prion 50

My 12 year old Casey has been on it since she's been 6 months (spayed too early before I knew better). I played with the dosage until I found what was right for her. Vet originally said a tablet 3 times per day - I did one every other day for years and that controlled her incontinence. Now that she is older she gets one per day. The only side effect is that it makes her a bit more thirsty.

Re: Prion 50

I have my "almost 14 year old" French Bulldog on it and it has helped her with no side effects.

Re: Prion 50

Thanks for all the input!

My sister further writes,
"Is it safe to restrict her water intake? Like no water after 8 pm? Will changing her food make. A difference I have been feeding her science diet sensitive stomach not realizing it was age 1 to 6. Do you think if I slowly switch over to senior will that make a difference? What else can I do? Its really bad."

Re: Prion 50

I know of some people giving soy milk and say it works great. Not sure how much though.

here is some info