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Service Dogs for MS patient

My friend who is an Oncology nurse, has a patient in NV who would like to have a service dog. The woman also suffers from MS. I am looking for some resources for them to pursue. Thanks so much!

Re: Service Dogs for MS patient

Try Canine Companions for Independence.

Re: Service Dogs for MS patient

You could also try Canine Assistants

Re: Service Dogs for MS patient

The MS Society might also be partnered up with someone if you want to ask them:

Re: Service Dogs for MS patient

If the patient is *visually impaired* from her diseases, she could apply to Leader Dog. Is she being treated for cancer also? You said she has an Oncology nurse. Sometimes procedures for cancer can unfortunately cause vision loss. The same can happen with MS but I don't know the circumstances.

Here is a clip from the site,

*Leader Dogs for the Blind programs enhance the lives of people who are blind, visually impaired and Deaf-blind.*

I have heard of several breeders that have donated semen for a breeding at Leader Dog. They seem to do their own breedings.

If you Google *Service Dog Organizations* I'm sure you'll come up with much more. Good Luck.

Re: Service Dogs for MS patient

Thanks all for your suggestions....I have forwarded them on to my RN friend!

Re: Service Dogs for MS patient

I am recently working with a MD that is starting a program in Boston specifically for MS service dogs.
email me privately and I will share the informtion.