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Warning: dangerous dog toy

Heads up. I have looked at these, and could have had a problem here. It is a plastic or rubber toy, not natural grass, with fake rubbery grass in the middle for tickling mouth and teeth. It is by JW Pet Company, and I like their Holey Roller and other toys. This model could cause a choking hazard, as it came apart in play as the veterinarian's Sheltie caught it and it came apart in the dog's mouth. It comes in various sizes.
Note: I have not totally verified this, but it appears true, as the ball is made of more than one piece.

On Aug 2, 2010, :

FYI. defective dog toy

On Behalf Of sugarpine@
Sent: Monday, August 02, 2010 7:20 AM
Subject: [wdtcinc] Warning on grass ball dog toy: don't use these [1 Attachment]

I purchased several grass balls from KV Vet supply. If you don't know what these are, go to KV vet's web site: and it is item number

I liked them as they fit well in the dog's mouth and aren't hard and did not bounce excessively.

While fetching this ball, the "grass" piece came off in my sheltie's mouth. If he had swallowed this (he was running and easily could have), he could have had his trachea ("wind pipe") blocked and this could have been fatal (removing this thing could have taken longer then it might take to kill him).



Amy J. Nesselrodt, DVM
Picture Rocks, PA
"Ask the animals, and they will teach you...For the life of every living thing is in his hand, and the breath of all humanity." (Job 12:7a,10, NLT)

Re: Warning: dangerous dog toy

Thanks for posting this, Charlotte. We have one of those. Luckily, the dogs don't seem to like it all that much so no problems with it so far. It will be vanishing today.

Re: Warning: dangerous dog toy

I am hard pressed to think of a dog toy that is not hazardous at some point in the mouth of a labrador. The black Kong toys and the heavy duty nylabones last longer than most. The thicker chew hooves are good until they are not, as are tennis balls. A cardboard box lasts for about an hour, maybe half that - great fun for those non-consumer chewers.