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Lab goes Group 3 in Ohio

I would like to congratulate Denise from Canada (Bluesouth Labs)with her Andie Pants(Bluesouth's Dream a Lil Dream) and going group 3 at the Marion, Ohio Usa show this weekend. It is very hard for a lab to get in the group and her lovely black bitch surely did it. Way to go Denise.


Re: Lab goes Group 3 in Ohio

Congratulations on your friends win. It is nice to see our breed in the group ring. Who was the judge?

Re: Lab goes Group 3 in Ohio

Very nice win Denise. Congratulations!!!
Andie is lovely.

Re: Lab goes Group 3 in Ohio

Congrats on your Group Placement, way to go

Re: Lab goes Group 3 in Ohio

WTG Denise and Andie Pants! A Group 3 is surely an honour well deserved by a wonderful owner and her pretty girl. I can't think of anyone more deserving and humble.

Thanks for posting Denise's Group 3 placement Mary.

Re: Lab goes Group 3 in Ohio

Wonderful and congratulations Denis and Andy.
She is a pretty girl all right :-)

Re: Lab goes Group 3 in Ohio

Big Congrats Denise well done! LeeAnne

Re: Lab goes Group 3 in Ohio

from the BBE class too!
WTG Denise and Andi pants

Re: Lab goes Group 3 in Ohio

Congrats on the group placement. Nice to see Labs getting recognition.

Re: Lab goes Group 3 in Ohio

congrats denise on andi's win.