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JSLRC Upcoming match shows!

Just a reminder that our Specialty Match and Encore Match are coming up on Sunday, August 22nd. We hope you can come out for a fun day and get some practice in with your puppies for our upcoming Specialty shows on Sept 3rd and 4th.

Our match show starts at 10am with Kim Silva (Shadowbrook Labradors) judging. The encore match starts at 1:30pm with Fabian Negron judging.

For more info, please visit the JSLRC website at:

Hope to see you all there!

Re: JSLRC Upcoming match shows!

Hope to see everyone on's a beautiful site with plenty of shade! We always have a nice time, so come and join us and get your pups and adults out!

Re: JSLRC Upcoming match shows!

Can you show a champion at a match show?

Re: JSLRC Upcoming match shows!


Re: JSLRC Upcoming match shows!

You can show in the veterans class if there is one. That is provided the Ch. is also a veteran.

Re: JSLRC Upcoming match shows!

"No dog that is a champion of record may be entered
in a conformation match (except that champions may be
entered in any junior showmanship classes). A
champion may be present, as an added attraction,
provided special permission has been granted by The
American Kennel Club. Entry of major pointed and
pointed dogs may be restricted at the club’s discretion;
however, notice must appear in all advertising."

Re: JSLRC Upcoming match shows!

I just called AKC and spoke with the Events Dept. Manager.

The above rule is correct - Champions cannot be shown at a Sanctioned B match, not even in veterans.
Only as an added attraction

Too bad!