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Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

I am so tired.... Today took pups in for check up and asked vet if he was familiar with the use of Marquis as a preventative for cocci. You would have thought I was asking him if his wife was a whore. He first indicated he knew nothing about it, then indicated there use to be a few local pharmacies that did the compounding for dogs. Then went on and on about how it is for horses and he can't get involved in off label use, etc... He could be sued... etc.... Albon is sufficent for cocci.... I listened and nodded.

Then I quietly asked him about using the Albon regimine as a preventative, before the diarhea starts. No, no, no, must show symptoms first.

Okay. I have brought 7 litters to this man in the last 3 years, numerous adult dogs for all manner of health issues, spent thousands, always buy the prescriptions from him (against my better judgement) and always ask just a few questions, and ever so politely and always go with his advice. I have had it. I finally realized he has no room in his practice for breeders. We are too complicated, with too many issues and perhaps come armed with a little more knowledge than his typical pet patient. I thought I had made it worth his while financially to provide good service to me, but it is clear my dogs are not needed or wanted for his practice to thrive.

His attitude reminded me of how some (not all) human doctor's use to react to patient questions when patients, as a result of the information highway, were educating themselves with good (and sometimes bad)info about their medical conditions. My doctor now welcomes any and all questions.

I am very sad because I see no way out. Breaking up is hard to do. Good-by Dr....

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

The information on this page may be useful to you:

As for your vet, I think you need to tell him exactly what you wrote in your post. Demand the respect you deserve, you know? My vet often thinks I'm nuts but we talk things out and respect each other. Sometimes I do what she suggests and sometimes I don't. But she knows I care about my animals and she takes the time to listen. So yes, if you can't have that, go elsewhere. But I think you owe it to yourself, because you're feeling sad about it, to talk it out with him first.

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

I can understand totally what you're saying. Not a breeder but multiple labrador owner for 15 years. We consider ourselves above average in knowledge for pet owners. Why is it that vets do sometimes look at you like you are nuts? I always go the extra mile with my kids, do medical research just as I do for myself and guess what, maybe we do know what we are talking about. Sorry to hear about your difficult experiences but things do happen for a reason and it's time to move on. Good luck

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

I agree. We sometimes know more than they do. He sounds unwilling to work with you and set in his ways. I would move on. Luckily I have a vet that loves breeders and does everything possible to help us. Even Sunday surgery. Where would they be without us?

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

Barb H.
I agree. We sometimes know more than they do. He sounds unwilling to work with you and set in his ways. I would move on. Luckily I have a vet that loves breeders and does everything possible to help us. Even Sunday surgery. Where would they be without us?

Better question: Where would we be without them????

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

I went through some similar years ago. Believe me, it is an ego thing. I wouldn't waste my time telling him what you think. He has plenty of patients and will probably be just as glad he does not have to deal with you.

When I decided I had to find a new vet, I got on the phone and called all of the local hospitals. I stated I was a breeder and I asked if the hospital had any clients who were breeders. After quite a few calls, I hit one where I was told they had multiple breeder clients. They had several vets on staff and they told me which vet the breeders saw. So that is where I went. I found a GREAT vet. She is not a specialist but she has a wealth of knowledge and experience. She respects me, even when I am not on the right track. I also met several breeders of other breeds over the years.

Just keep looking until you find someone you can work with. Hope you have good luck.

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

Barb H.
I agree. We sometimes know more than they do. He sounds unwilling to work with you and set in his ways. I would move on. Luckily I have a vet that loves breeders and does everything possible to help us. Even Sunday surgery. Where would they be without us?

Better question: Where would we be without them????

I tell him that repeatedly. I appreciate him totally.

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

I switched vets some years ago and it was the best thing I ever did. My problem was more with the front line assault team - the people who are at the desk and on the phone whose primary job seems to be to keep you from talking to a vet. Called up to make an OFA appointment and after being put on hold was asked "What is wrong with the hips that you want them x-rayed for?" There were other annoying problems but the straw that broke the camel's back was when I had a bitch in labor that had gone hours without contractions since the first puppy and I wanted to bring her in for pit. I was put on hold, and then told "I could squeeze you in tomorrow at about 3:45." After arguing with the person for a while I finally convinced her to take a note to the vet who had me come in right away, but I don't need the hassle of fighting with reception every time I need veterinary care. I need a vet and staff that know that if I call for help, it's because I really need a vet NOW! I love my current vet and his whole staff.

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

I found my vet when she was recomended for an a.i. I loved her right away, my other local vets were always so distant, and like Nancy, could never get one of them on the phone. I have continued to use my new vet for everything from x-rays to routine physicals, even though she is 45 minutes away. She is always available for me, I even have her cell phone in case I am whelping a litter on weekends or in the middle of the night and need her. Her staff is always ready to help me when I call, and she always calls me back within 2 hours if I ask them to have her call me. Turns out she used to breed and show also, maybe thats why we hit it off so well. If I don't have an emergency she will call me something into the pharmacy, because she knows how far I live from her and that I don't trust anyone else, in return I give her all of my business, she is priceless. My local vets lost my business, and the last straw was when I took my girl in for shots, when I got home I looked at the bill, and they had scheduled her for a spay! Ha! It took me years to find her, keep looking, and I am sure you will find a good breeder vet.

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

I have had the same problems and frankly I am relieved to hear others do also, I thought it was just me. Can anyone please recommend a good, caring vet that is near the north shore of Chicago? BTW "I don't know" is not an acceptable answer to a question by anyone in medical practice and "cha ching"should not be the sound the door makes when you enter.

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

I too am blessed to have a breeder Vet. The bonus, she's a lab breeder and has been a wonderful mentor. I drive about 45 minutes to her office as well.

If she doesn't know it, I wouldn't trade her expertise, friendship and support for all the tea in China and she's a big reason why I persever with this crazy quest.

I suggest you ask around ring side at some local shows to find out who other breeders are using.

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

We've all been there done that. I once was in my former Vet's surgery room during a Csection, and noticed on the wall was a message board in the hallway, that contained "TODAY's PROJECTED CLIENT INTAKE" , then listed under were "suggestions" to the tech's on how to get the bill "UP" ," expressing anal glands, nail trimmings , dental work, grooming ", etc. Then there was a large money amount posted, and that was the projected amount per patient for the day that was to be reached.
That was it for me, time to move on , took my litter , paid my bill, and never went back. I thought these were medical offices and services , did not know it was a car salesman I was dealing with.

Re: Vet - Breaking Up Is Hard to Do

I moved a while back and had to find a new vet. I didn't know where to go so I broke down and went to the "W"Vet (we will call it) I knew some other lab breeders were going to. I really didn't want to go to this vet because I have been to gatherings with the lab group before and it's well known this vet can't keep his mouth shut and if he knows your business so will others. His close lady friend bragged to people at parties how he can't keep his mouth shut.

Lucky me I get that exact vet on my first appointment! So I politely tell him I am newly separated and trying to get things organized so if someone inquires could he please keep my information private. Confidentiality is law...but knowing this guy I just wanted to make sure I covered my bases.

That was all it took he was pissed at me from that point on. I didn't get the results from my vaginal swab that he said I had to take and pay for otherwise he wouldn't do a projesterone test. "They" were telling me how it was done. Who was I but the "peon" that needed them. That is exactly how I felt.

I tried to order tests for a dog I was shipping out...that was a nightmare because I was to hand the paperwork over and say no more and ask no questions. There customer service was insulting to say the least. I could have thrown my money on the street and watched people thrilled to pick it up and get more satisfaction!

FYI....I have had an excellent relationship with my two regular vets in my previous location for YEARS. I adored my vets and was so appreciative of all their help over the years.

I will never send business to "W" vet. See there are lots of vet's out there....just keep looking until you find one that respects you and how MUCH money you spend. I now have a WONDERFUL vet whom I show my appreciation for on a regular basis and they "allow my opinion and listen to it".

As for the previous "W" vet I wish them good luck adding to that cliental. Keep that attitude that "you are god" and see where it get's you.