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Puppies die in flight

How very sad.

Re: Puppies die in flight

How awful. This is why I will not ship my pups.

Re: Puppies die in flight

I'm sure we've all seen on the news the stories of PEOPLE stuck on a plane with no air and no water for hours. So just imagine the conditions in the cargo hold of that delayed plane. When things go according to plan, all is fine, but there is no way to KNOW what's going to happen to a particular flight on a particular day. Flying puppies in this heat is just nuts, in MY OPINION.

Re: Puppies die in flight

Here's another link, which also includes links to other information: Those poor babies!

Re: Puppies die in flight

people assume that if they have had a good "shipping experience", the practice must always be completely safe. Not true. There are too many variables, not in anyone's control, that can lead to a chain of events where the shipped puppy's life is placed in peril.

Here there was bad weather in another location which caused the flight's delay. No one's fault to be certain, but it still led to consequences which caused the puppies' death. Dogs die in flight because of accidents; something that was unexpected happens which leads to the dogs' death. At least when someone picks up a dog personally or delivers a dog personally, there is a human being on hand to deal with changed circumstances and protect the puppy. Caged and alone in a cargo hold, what chance does any dog have?

Re: Puppies die in flight

I read the shipper was shipping 14 puppies to another state? I really hope it was not a puppy mill.
The 7 that died were all on the same plane going to the same city. How many breeders place 7 puppies in the same state from another state? Made me very sad for those puppies on several accounts.

Re: Puppies die in flight

My guess is that these pups were very young. All I can see are those 14 little babies all crammed into 1 crate :( (I dont know if they were - but I am assuming they were if these people were stupid enough to a) send them during this heat and b) send that many))

Re: Puppies die in flight

My guess is that these pups were very young. All I can see are those 14 little babies all crammed into 1 crate :( (I dont know if they were - but I am assuming they were if these people were stupid enough to a) send them during this heat and b) send that many))[/quote

AA does not ship like that. 1 pup per pet carrier unless it's 2 pups in one larger carrier. Must be 8 weeks with health certificate. Never have heard of anyone shipping 14 puppies, this is so sad, poor babies

Re: Puppies die in flight

Think lessons could be learned from this, nothing will change, airlines accept bad press as course of doing business, Federal Agencies charged with oversight and enforcement are staffed by people who can't get jobs anywhere else.

Re: Puppies die in flight

To be honest, I wouldnt put it past anyone. Really - could you see a person ( I won't refer to them as a breeder because I am going to assume that this is a complete idiot and I don't want to degrade anyone on this list) spending the extra dollars in shipping 14 separate crates with a puppy in each?

No, they would try and do anything possible to get AA to ship these as cheap as possible, especially if its a puppymill. And whose to say the person didnt have leads at AA to skip out on the rules? Maybe the person even worked at AA.

Goodness knows.

Re: Puppies die in flight

This just doesn't sound right. I'm waiting to hear the whole story. We don't know anything about who was shipping the puppies and what conditions they were subjected to before the flight. It will be interesting to see if their vet health certificates are real or forged.

Re: Puppies die in flight

After those 7 dogs died last June due to that handler's negligence, I stopped sending my dogs out with a handler. I have never shipped a puppy, but I have had puppies and dogs shipped to me. Now with hearing about this terrible tragedy, I will never ship a puppy or an adult dog.

Re: Puppies die in flight

After those 7 dogs died last June due to that handler's negligence, I stopped sending my dogs out with a handler. I have never shipped a puppy, but I have had puppies and dogs shipped to me. Now with hearing about this terrible tragedy, I will never ship a puppy or an adult dog.

You now, sh*&^ happens! If you keep on this route, you might as well sit home, bar the doors and not do anything if you over-react to every bit of "news" you hear! Just because one handler was irresponsible doesn't mean every handler is, or don't send your dogs in the heat of summer - only when the weather is cooler, or whatever. People leave their kids in cars accidentally and they die - does that mean you never take your kids in a car? Of course not! People die in car wrecks all the time - do you stay home and not drive your car? No.

Stop the knee-jerk reactions to bad news. Analyze it, make better choices, but to stop doing everything because of one person's stupidity, is just that - stupid!

Re: Puppies die in flight

It is not knee jerk analysis. What happened to the puppies was not "stupid", in that no person was to blame except perhaps Mother Nature. No human being had control over any bad weather which delayed the flight and started a chain of events which doomed the puppies. Now if the puppies were picked up by their perspective buyers, or if the puppies were taken by the breeder personally to the new owners, chances are nothing would have happened to them. What is being expressed is that flying dogs anywhere, unless they are under the seat with you in the plane, is a dangerous way to transport dogs. That is not a knee jerk reaction; that is pure analysis. Sorry.

Re: Puppies die in flight

Not knee jerk analysis
It is not knee jerk analysis. What happened to the puppies was not "stupid", in that no person was to blame except perhaps Mother Nature. No human being had control over any bad weather which delayed the flight and started a chain of events which doomed the puppies. Now if the puppies were picked up by their perspective buyers, or if the puppies were taken by the breeder personally to the new owners, chances are nothing would have happened to them. What is being expressed is that flying dogs anywhere, unless they are under the seat with you in the plane, is a dangerous way to transport dogs. That is not a knee jerk reaction; that is pure analysis. Sorry.

If you know the weather conditions and are smart enough NOT to ship when it's questionable, flying isn't dangerous. I've shipped dogs and puppies - no problems, but I don't ship in the summertime at all because it's too hot! I'd venture to guess more dogs die in car accidents than in planes - you just don't hear about the dogs in car accidents!

But to give a blanket statement that you would NEVER fly a dog or puppy is simply a knee jerk reaction, plain and simple!

Re: Puppies die in flight

After those 7 dogs died last June due to that handler's negligence, I stopped sending my dogs out with a handler. I have never shipped a puppy, but I have had puppies and dogs shipped to me. Now with hearing about this terrible tragedy, I will never ship a puppy or an adult dog.

You now, sh*&^ happens! If you keep on this route, you might as well sit home, bar the doors and not do anything if you over-react to every bit of "news" you hear! Just because one handler was irresponsible doesn't mean every handler is, or don't send your dogs in the heat of summer - only when the weather is cooler, or whatever. People leave their kids in cars accidentally and they die - does that mean you never take your kids in a car? Of course not! People die in car wrecks all the time - do you stay home and not drive your car? No.

Stop the knee-jerk reactions to bad news. Analyze it, make better choices, but to stop doing everything because of one person's stupidity, is just that - stupid!

Some things are avoidable if the right precausions are taken. Other things are not, but if I can avoid problems I would rather be safe than sorry. I can take my dogs to shows myself and have ringside pick up with my handler. Then I know my dog is safe and alive with me. Why should I risk it when it can be avoided? What for a couple of points, oh please it is not that important.

And I can say NEVER because I like to meet the new owners of all my puppies and older dogs that I place. I have driven 10 hours to deliver an older dog and meet the new owners. So yes it is NEVER.

Re: Puppies die in flight

I'm with you, Concerned.

Re: Puppies die in flight

After those 7 dogs died last June due to that handler's negligence, I stopped sending my dogs out with a handler. I have never shipped a puppy, but I have had puppies and dogs shipped to me. Now with hearing about this terrible tragedy, I will never ship a puppy or an adult dog.

You now, sh*&^ happens! If you keep on this route, you might as well sit home, bar the doors and not do anything if you over-react to every bit of "news" you hear! Just because one handler was irresponsible doesn't mean every handler is, or don't send your dogs in the heat of summer - only when the weather is cooler, or whatever. People leave their kids in cars accidentally and they die - does that mean you never take your kids in a car? Of course not! People die in car wrecks all the time - do you stay home and not drive your car? No.

Stop the knee-jerk reactions to bad news. Analyze it, make better choices, but to stop doing everything because of one person's stupidity, is just that - stupid!

Some things are avoidable if the right precausions are taken. Other things are not, but if I can avoid problems I would rather be safe than sorry. I can take my dogs to shows myself and have ringside pick up with my handler. Then I know my dog is safe and alive with me. Why should I risk it when it can be avoided? What for a couple of points, oh please it is not that important.

And I can say NEVER because I like to meet the new owners of all my puppies and older dogs that I place. I have driven 10 hours to deliver an older dog and meet the new owners. So yes it is NEVER.

I agree with you! My knees are too old to jerk. This is common sense. Don't ship pups in hot weather even to a show home. I never ship pet pups, I'm not that desperate to make a sale. I sell within my own area.

Let each owner pick up, fly in and fly the pup under the seat at 8 weeks after they interview with the breeder. Why they need to go as far as a flight is beyond my understanding. I doubt this is a normal breeder shipping 14 at 1 time.

I am pretty sure it was a puppy mill selling to a pet shop or to 14 owners or a middleman (called *brokering eh hem) . Who else would send 14 pups at 1 time? Well, *maybe* a high volume breeder sending all over the America's as AA has lots of connecting flights from their hub.

This wasn't just an accident. Since when do the airlines allow 14 pups on a flight? I though 2 to 3 was the maximum?

I see no excuses for this occurence. None!

Re: Puppies die in flight

Some years ago I placed a puppy with a wonderful family whose father was a pilot for a major airline; they would not fly a puppy on the airline.

Re: Puppies die in flight

There is an infamous show mill, probably not on this board, that has been know to ship out of Tulsa from Havana KS. Some pups grow up to be champions, others have been sold through pet stores, and more have been more profitably sold over the internet directly to buyers. She does do some OFA. I almost choked a few years ago when a breeder judge put up one of hers in FL with a handler on it. No one could have known who owned the dog, and, knowing the judge, it was probably decent representative of the breed on the day. That being said, my heart was sick when I saw this news. That could have been a lot of Labs, Goldens, and Weims. That being said, her web page shows a Delta plane. There are a lot of other, er, commercial breeders in KS. Yes, she has a federal number to be among that lot. Makes it hard to tell the puppy buyers why the breeder who OFAs hips and has 30 some show champions is not where I would like them to buy. (About all they can understand is, If you want a house dog, buy a pup raised in a house or socialized to house noises at least!)

Re: Puppies die in flight

Anon Today
There is an infamous show mill, probably not on this board, that has been know to ship out of Tulsa from Havana KS. Some pups grow up to be champions, others have been sold through pet stores, and more have been more profitably sold over the internet directly to buyers. She does do some OFA. I almost choked a few years ago when a breeder judge put up one of hers in FL with a handler on it. No one could have known who owned the dog, and, knowing the judge, it was probably decent representative of the breed on the day. That being said, my heart was sick when I saw this news. That could have been a lot of Labs, Goldens, and Weims. That being said, her web page shows a Delta plane. There are a lot of other, er, commercial breeders in KS. Yes, she has a federal number to be among that lot. Makes it hard to tell the puppy buyers why the breeder who OFAs hips and has 30 some show champions is not where I would like them to buy. (About all they can understand is, If you want a house dog, buy a pup raised in a house or socialized to house noises at least!)

I saw exactly what you're talking about. A quick Google search from that area shows it immediately. I had seen that site prior.

When I saw mention of where pups had flown to, I had a strong feeling it was that persons pups.

Those poor puppies. :-(

Re: Puppies die in flight

Sorry for the puppies, but those puppies died because airlines make mistakes, making flying puppies is inherently full of risks--regardless of who sends them, how many puppies they send, when the puppies are sent, or what airline is used. Some breeders are willing to take those risks. I am not willing to trust my puppies to airlines that reschedule/cancel my flights, overbook, and lose my luggage.