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Has anyone received their LQ yet??

How is it?

Re: Has anyone received their LQ yet??

I am DYING waiting to get it!!!!!!
It seems much later getting out this year than in the past. Cammie at LQ said it was being mailed this week and here it is Thursday still no LQ yet.
Waiting on pins and needles!

Re: Has anyone received their LQ yet??

summer LQ is always received in August

Re: Has anyone received their LQ yet??

Really? I remember it always arriving in late July.

Re: Has anyone received their LQ yet??

summer LQ is always received in August

Yes - it's always late. Years and Years ago, the April- thru June issue would arrive in July but it's been getting later and later through the years.

Re: Has anyone received their LQ yet??

I was happy to finally quit the LQ habit. I just don't find it necessary to spend that kind of money on a publication like that especially with the rudeness of the owner. I can get all the information and advertising I need/want right here. I'll buy another couple of bags of dog food with the money I save :)

Re: Has anyone received their LQ yet??

Can't wait, its not here in the South yet. I love waiting and looking forward to this issue. One to really hang on to over the years and refer back to.
Doing the LQ dance

Re: Has anyone received their LQ yet??

I'm with you "Breeder too". I love the anticipation, then being able to spend hours pouring over the photos and the pedigrees. I love reading the informational articles and have learned quite a bit from them. I especially like getting a glimpse at the experiences and stories from some of the longtime and successful breeders. Their insight has provided me with some very useful information that I have been able to put to good use. Sometimes I get another perspective on a topic, which I may not always agree with, but it helps to open my mind and look at the bigger picture. What other vehicle do we have that offers that much information?

Re: Has anyone received their LQ yet??

Yes, I am looking forward to it too. As a side note, I received notification from one of my other "hobby" magazines that their magazine is now on-line. It is pretty cool to click the arrow button to page through the magazine, but I don't know. There is no substitue for the real thing. Is this the wave of the future?