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Giving Albon to 7 Wk Pups then Vaccinating

I just read about how you shouldn't give a vaccination to a puppy if they are taking Albon. The Albon negates the vaccination .

Do I take a chance and give the 7 wks pups their first vaccination in the next day or so ..they go to their cerf exams next week so I want them to have some protection.

What would you do ?

Re: Giving Albon to 7 Wk Pups then Vaccinating

Where did you hear that? Was it a vet or did you read a scientific study? I've never heard that particular rumor, but I have heard that vaccinating a sick pup may not be the best idea.

Re: Giving Albon to 7 Wk Pups then Vaccinating

I read it on this page :

I also read it somewhere else in my research on Coccidia and Giardia.

Some of this info you find on the internet you have to take with a grain of salt but I was curious about the Albon and how it affects the puppy vaccinations as it is being absorbed in the puppy's system.

It's like a human medications come with instructions not to take dairy products because of the interaction it has with some antibiotics.

Re: Giving Albon to 7 Wk Pups then Vaccinating

I read it on this page :

Lots of shouting (caps) on that page, isn't there? but what I gleaned was that the presence of coccidia, rather than the treatment, might interfere with vaccination. Correct me if I'm wrong?

Re: Giving Albon to 7 Wk Pups then Vaccinating

Yes, that's what I got out of that page too. Don't vaccinate a sick pup. She's promoting Marquis as a preventative for coccidia, sounds like the same way I use Tylan. (Albon also works.) That way the pups don't get sick so you can vaccinate.