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stangles & food

I have been reading the post for the past several months regarding strangles, and it seems that is is mostly in 1 area of the country (or at least this outbreak).

Have any of the breeders who have been effective compared the food that you are feeding or were feeding your bitches? I believe from what I have studied strangles is an immune problem, possibly something was lacking int he food, or possibly a bad batch that was in your area?
Please, i am not trying to start a controversy, but just wondering if that could have anything to do with it, being that fact that the dog food companies seem to be switching things all the time.

Re: stangles & food

I feed pro plan performance to my moms and Pro plan chicken and rice puppy to the little ones. This is my first case of strangles.

Re: stangles & food

This is my first case of strangles ever and 6 of 8 got it. I also fed ProPlan Chicken and Rice Puppy. My bitch was on ProPlan Selects Chicken and Rice. I will say that my girl was in the worst condition I've ever seen any of my girls post whelp. She looked great while pregnant and the pups were all 15-18oz. I put her on 4 Health recently and Super 14 and she is starting to look gorgeous again. The pups are 13 weeks. I still have 4 here on meds. It's taking forever to get them well.