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PLEASE help save the Eastern Veterinary Blood Bank

My baby required 3 bags of plasma not too long ago, and even though I am in NJ, the plasma had been sent from EVBB. This bank is so critical to help the wounded and sick nation wide. PLEASE consider making a donation, even if its just a dollar!

Hi K9 Friends!

EVBB (Eastern Veterinary Blood Bank) opened in Severna Park, MD in 1993 with the mission to provide a humane source of the highest quality veterinary blood products to dogs in need. Their donor base is exclusively volunteer (no caged dogs whose sole purpose in living is to donate their blood), all blood is drawn by a licensed veterinarian, and the blood products are manufactured to the highest veterinary standards. They process and distribute over 24,000 units of blood and plasma each year nationwide, and provide 24 hour emergency coverage.
Bottom line: they are there for our dogs should the unbelievable happen: trauma, cancer, clotting disorders, parvo, pancreatitis, vonWillebrands disease, or any other disease or post-operative condition that requires blood.
Due to the declining economy, blood needs have also decreased (tho EVBB still processed blood should the need arise). Because of this, they are $500,000 in debt. They will close their doors Nov. 1, 2010 if they do not have an influx of money to pay these debts.
What can you do?
1) Go to and donate $1. There is an easy PayPal button on the home page, and EVBB will receive 93 cents of every $1 donated.
2) Send this email to 20 of your dog-loving friends. You have permission to cross-post this to any and all dog groups, rescues, training groups, anything dog related or to anyone whom you think may be able to help.
3) Publicize this email letter in your Club's newsletter or e-letters.
I believe we dog guardians and dog lovers have the power to keep EVBB's doors open. I also believe in the power of $1 donations and the power of email and our hearts to spread word of their need. Dr Ann has only been paid sporadically over the last 2 years, many of the staff have been let go, and others volunteer their services. They are tired now, tho. This is where I hope we can help them out.
My Swissy, James, saved 56 dog's lives with his blood donations (1 donation can save up to 4 lives). I pray your beloved pooch never has the need for blood. And I pray that if she/he does, EVBB will be open for you should you need it.
We can help make that happen.
Barrrroooooos and woofs (in the spirit of health and giving),
Jan Skadberg

Re: PLEASE help save the Eastern Veterinary Blood Bank

Not only are they a wonderful organization worthy of a donation, but if you sign up a dog as a donor you'll get some expensive blood tests done at no charge plus get unit for unit back if ever that dog needs it. For anyone who lives mid-Atlantic, it's truly a win-win situation!