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LRCP 2011 - News Flash

The hotel negotiations for the 2011 LRCP Labrador Specialty are complete! Click on this link LRCP 2011 for details.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

I know everyone else knows the dates cold but I have gone brain dead and can't remember. On the LRCP website it is still all 2010 info and when you go to "calender" on the web site it is still 2009...

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

The LRCP Specialty is Tuesday April 12, 2011 through Friday April 15, 2011.

Conformation, Rally and Obedience Tuesday through Friday. We hope to start earlier on Tuesday and finish earlier on Friday.

Additionally, the Club will host a WC and cookout on Sunday preceding show at a nearby location for early arrivals. The Club is also planning two seminars on Monday, PLUS judges' education. Monday evening the Club is planning a fun match and pizza party under the stars (tent).
Looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Host hotel already full!!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Susan ~ Fenwyck, LRCP Corresponding Secretary
The hotel negotiations for the 2011 LRCP Labrador Specialty are complete! Click on this link LRCP 2011 for details.


Your first post said the hotel would begin booking on August 9th at 1 PM. It's not here anymore. You said to say hi to Suzy.

Breeders came on the board weeks ago and claimed they already had rooms and that the hotel was fully booked including the Express?

I went ahead and booked at another hotel due to the reply I recieved from the host hotel, they said the rooms were all booked.

I am confused and not at all taking it out on your or the LRCP. I don't understand why the hotel claims it's booked when the contract wasn't signed until recently. You posted earlier that the hotel would begin booking on Aug 9th.

*Hotel Reservations: The Holiday Inn will begin accepting room reservations at 1pm, Monday, August 9, 2010 and not a minute before. Reservations must be for a minimum of four nights. Say "Hi" to Suzy! 301-694-7500*

What happened between the information you posted earlier today and now? The LRCP site says the same as you did earlier. What is true, is the HI host hotel booked or not?

I am confused, I'm sure others are also.

Thanks for your help getting this straightened out.


I found your earlier post in a Word Document I saved.

*Hotel Reservations: The Holiday Inn will begin
...accepting room reservations at 1pm, Monday, August 9, 2010 and not a
minute before. Reservations must be for a minimum of four nights.
Show Schedule: Conformation, Rally and Obedience
Tuesday through Friday. See website for all details!*

Did you change it because the hotel is full?

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

sigh..sounds like a familiar tune from years gone by. Wish I knew somebody who knew somebody so just once I'd get a chance to stay at the host hotel

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

By mutual agreement with the club the hotel has maintained a complete block on room reservations until negotiations were complete. Consequently, reservation systems will indicate that the hotel is indeed sold out-read "blocked" even if you call the hotel. Anyone who believes they have reservations already should be concerned. All rooms will be available at 1:00pm on Monday, August 11.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

that should read Monday August 9, 2010 at 1:00 pm
Let the room wars begin

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

By mutual agreement with the club the hotel has maintained a complete block on room reservations until negotiations were complete. Consequently, reservation systems will indicate that the hotel is indeed sold out-read "blocked" even if you call the hotel. Anyone who believes they have reservations already should be concerned. All rooms will be available at 1:00pm on Monday, August 11.

That's what I was told by the hotel and Holiday Inn management. I am less confused now altho I still don't understand what happened previous to this.

They said, entire block of rooms reserved for the LRCP attendee's becomes available on Monday the 9th. Any prior *supposed reservations* (which they deny) prior to the signing of the contract are null and void.

I'll believe it when I see it but this sounds much more fair than what was happening before.

Susan Walker Patterson, *LRCP Corresponding Secretary*, Have you read this thread with questions since yesterday? You haven't responded to why you changed your initial post and what is the correct information according to the LRCP. It would be helpful for those of us trying to book a room properly tomorrow to hear from you as you were the OP. TIA.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

I'm confused also by the conflicting announcements made by Susan Walker Patterson. Her signature says Fenwyck Labradors, not LRCP. Is she a spokesman for the Potomac club, a corresponding secretary, or just another breeder trying to promote her kennel? A club spokesman's information should be accurate, not contradictory.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Yes, I am the Corresponding Secretary from the LRCP. Feel free to check the LRCP website for LRCP Officers & Directors link.

Things people seem to need clarification on:
1) Noooo I am not 'just another breeder trying to promote her kennel.' I have simply used the signature I have always used on this forum, followed by my position on the LRCP Board. Yes, by LRCP board vote I do speak for the Club, and I only use that 'LRCP Corresponding Secretary signature' when I am talking about Club things, not when I make a personal post.

2) No, I have no idea how my post changed. For those confused and inquiring minds all I did was 'copy & paste' the EXACT words from the LRCP website link for those who must have had difficulty getting to it. I have not posted contradictory nor conflicting information, please refer to the LRCP Website

3) I have not responded because I had not been on the Wiscoy forum to check on this thread.

(*edited 8/8/10 1:12pm EST, my error it should have been room nights)~> 4) LRCP had to guarantee over 600 room nights which Holiday Inn put a block on. The rooms blocked by Holiday Inn will be released at 1pm August 9.

If anyone has any other questions I am glad to answer them either by email or here.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Susan ~ Fenwyck, LRCP Corresponding Secretary
Yes, I am the Corresponding Secretary from the LRCP. Feel free to check the LRCP website for LRCP Officers & Directors link.

Things people seem to need clarification on:
1) Noooo I am not 'just another breeder trying to promote her kennel.' I have simply used the signature I have always used on this forum, followed by my position on the LRCP Board. Yes, by LRCP board vote I do speak for the Club, and I only use that 'LRCP Corresponding Secretary signature' when I am talking about Club things, not when I make a personal post.
2) No, I have no idea how my post changed. For those confused and inquiring minds all I did was 'copy & paste' the EXACT words from the LRCP website link for those who must have had difficulty getting to it. I have not posted contradictory nor conflicting information, please refer to the LRCP Website
3) I have not responded because I had not been on the Wiscoy forum to check on this thread.
4) LRCP had to guarantee over 600 rooms which Holiday Inn put a block on. The rooms blocked by the Hotel will be released at 1pm August 9.

If anyone has any other questions I am glad to answer them either by email or here.

At the Holidome, there is not 600 rooms. How can they block off that many rooms, they don't exist.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

It is over five days...multiply the rooms by five

LRCP 2011 - News Flash

People, seriously could you be any ruder to Susan, sheesh, here she is volunteering for the club, doing this stuff on her own time. Volunteer = no $!!!!
How dare any of you jump on a volunteer. Get a life, book a room somewhere else, come, don't come but really people lets get a little perspective here. We all LOVE the potomac, we all go every year, host hotel room or not. Yes it is awesome to stay at the host hotel, but I wouldn't cancel my week even if I had to stay an hour away. It is POTOMAC, it is about the DOGS.

Susan, thank you and the other club members that put up with this crap.
Without you guys there would be no Potomac.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Just Breeder
It is over five days...multiply the rooms by five

That makes no sence Just Breeder. The LRCP states 4 nights not 5 and it's by the room not the amount of days. The website posted, *Hotel Reservations: The Holiday Inn will begin accepting room reservations at 1pm, Monday, August 9, 2010 and not a minute before. Reservations must be for a minimum of four nights. Say "Hi" to Suzy! 301-694-7500*

People, seriously could you be any ruder to Susan, sheesh, here she is volunteering for the club, doing this stuff on her own time. Volunteer = no $!!!!
How dare any of you jump on a volunteer. Get a life, book a room somewhere else, come, don't come but really people lets get a little perspective here. We all LOVE the potomac, we all go every year, host hotel room or not. Yes it is awesome to stay at the host hotel, but I wouldn't cancel my week even if I had to stay an hour away. It is POTOMAC, it is about the DOGS.

Susan, thank you and the other club members that put up with this crap.
Without you guys there would be no Potomac.

Tari, I have not been rude to Susan at all. She posted and I am looking for the correct information for a chance to stay at the host hotel, that's all.

Without all of us, there would be no Potomac and I always appreciate the volunteers within any club that puts on a nice show. I do my share for my club for their specialties.

I understand this a little better now altho I did not understand the poster that gave a reason for 600 rooms. It is okay to ask a question about a post and I'm not rude and never have been.

As long as this is done fair by Suzy & The Holiday Inn Holidome In Frederick, it doesn't bother me at all. Realize, others posted they had their rooms already on July 20, 2011. Now that was not fair and doesn't make sence if the reservations begin tomorrow. Some claim and have rooms yearly on their way out the door is not fair and it's the hotel's fault, not the LRCP. See the post from July 20, 2011 which was not Susan's fault at all.

See you at Potomac no matter where I stay after a long trip.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

fair enough but sorry this thread was going south fast at that rate.

As a side note I have never had success booking a room on the day they open up, always gone by the time I get through.

I have succeeded however to getting a room once others start to cancel. It is possible to stay at the host hotel and not be a big name.

And yes I have to agree without all the people it wouldn't happen either but the high fives should go to the hotel, and the volunteers that pull this off every year.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

From what I have always understood about staying at the host hotel, was that there is a block of rooms saved by the club and hotel for Potomac. But this doesn't stop individuals from booking outside those blocks of rooms.

I mean, what if someone who is not going to the show and is just staying in town, is wanting to book in at the Holiday Inn - Would you all get your panties in a knot if they got a room ? I would hope not.

Potomac would not be where it is today without the exhibitors, but inorder to organize an event and these exhibitors, you need volunteers and the LRCP. You also need a potential place to stay, the Hotel. So thank you to everyone involved, and bring on 2011 :)

PS. There are a lot of hotels in the area that accept dogs and that are very close. In my opinion I wouldn't want to stay at the host hotel because of the noise and traffic. But thats just my opinion. As long as everyone gets a place to stay, we'll see ya there!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

While all of you have been fighting, I called the hotel at exactly 1 pm and booked my room! Just like Susan and the web site said.

Now on to the cone war!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

lucky you! Just a bunch of busy circuits. when the call goes thru it just rings.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Let it keep ringing. It took a lot of rings before they picked it up. They get your information and will call back later with a reservation number.

Good luck.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

actually it rings so long that it ceases. Nobody picks up. bummer.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

All sold out in 48 minutes after getting a busy circuit message 20 times! Isn't there another way to do this? Then they tried to transfer me to the HI Express and we were conveniently disconnected. Grrrrr!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Yeah, reminds me of the stupid radio show call-ins to win prizes. Gotta be a better way.

My first call got thru to a constant ring at 1:01PM. Nobody answered then then call just terminated after countless rings.

Finally, 50 minutes later the desk picks-up the call. They said the rooms sold out in 3 minutes. What the heck is that? No way can rooms sell out in 3 minutes without inside connections especially if you are to only talk with 1 person (Suzy).

Was told they take your name and call you back to make reservations. Guess that gives time to weed thru the "who's who" guest list to see who actually is given "preference" to have a room at the host. That's how it seems to me since I know many who always have a room at the host no matter what.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

I called repeatedly until I got the receptionist. She patched me through to Suzis voice mail. Suzi called back and I have a room. I was persistent and yes when it did ring I let it ring forever. I wasn't about to hang up.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Oh, after the receptionist answered and told me they were sold out in 3 minutes she put me in Suzy's voicemail. This was only after I told her it was impossible for the HI to gather enough data in 3 minutes to consider all rooms "booked". I have a message in Suzy's voicemail. Let's see if I get a call back and even a room. Wanna take bets? We could donate the funds to rescue.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

well I called and got thru the 1st try at 1pm sharp. Suzi picked up and took name, credit card # and said she will call back with conf. # once she gets all input in the system.
I assume that means I was one of the lucky ones?

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

I got the same from Suzi. Just sitting here hoping she call back with a confirmation number

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

It isn't over until it is over. Keep dialing. I finally got through. Dialed non-stop, starting at 1 PM. Mostly "circuits are busy" messages, plus 3 or 4 rang at least 50 times & dropped. Finally got through and have a room.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

did anyone get confirmation #s? Or are we all waiting on that?

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Well, I had 2 phones dialing (cell and work) for 50minutes. I have the privilege of great headsets that I could wear and be hands free to still do my business work. After 1hr, and 2 voicemails, there's nothing further to do. I'm NOT impressed over how this reservation system is handled. We'll all know when we see who has "host" hotel rooms.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

just me
did anyone get confirmation #s? Or are we all waiting on that?

I think we all are waiting. She has to run the credit cards through and arrange rooms.

I'm nobody special in the sense of a large breeder. I just happened to hit it right addressing the next poster. I'm not saying some rooms weren't reserved prior or multiple rooms weren't given to certain breeders. Of course that happened. It is, what it is tho. I am tired of the brouhaha over rooms and cones. Neither is done right often depending on who it is.

Get on a waiting list. She does come through eventually even the day before the show begins. The rooms are expensive, over $150 including taxes. Youch! There are other hotels nice & cheaper a few minutes away.

Sometimes, breeders that book multiple rooms suddenly have litters due, family obligations and the like. They give up their rooms to the hotel or friends so network yourself.

I'm happy I have a room but not happy for those that don't.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

I wouldn't think she would be running credit cards through for the rooms 8 months ahead of time, would she?????
I don't thnk I'd be happy if my card was charged $600+ for a room I won't be seeing for 8 months

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Well DogZ, you probably did not try long enough. If you are in business, you know that it takes time with one person taking reservations. She does a very good job and deserves a lot of credit. The system works, and this Miss Nobody is not special in the least. This "special people" theory is a bunch of bunk.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

I wouldn't think she would be running credit cards through for the rooms 8 months ahead of time, would she?????
I don't thnk I'd be happy if my card was charged $600+ for a room I won't be seeing for 8 months

Yes, they charge you for the room now and it's non-refundable. Great, huh!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

There are so many other nice places to stay in the Frederick area. Don't fret. I haven't stayed at the host hotel in 10 years and they've been the best.

LRCP 2011 - News Flash

They still had rooms at the HI express down the road....

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

They do put ONE night's stay on your credit card. That solves a multitude of problems for them. Like people who cancel at the last minute or want to book a half dozen rooms in case friends might want one, etc. etc. etc. They did not do that before people started being abusive. And it should not be a problem. If the fates decide I should stay home for a whelping, there will be lots of people who will gladly take the room off my hands. If I left the $149 in my checking account for 8 months. I might earn 2 bucks at the current rate. Whoopie!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

I don't think they can do that. Did you verify that with the hotel?

I wouldn't think she would be running credit cards through for the rooms 8 months ahead of time, would she?????
I don't thnk I'd be happy if my card was charged $600+ for a room I won't be seeing for 8 months

Yes, they charge you for the room now and it's non-refundable. Great, huh!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Waiting for my call back from Suzy!!!

I didn't see anywhere that said it was non-refundable!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

I wouldn't think she would be running credit cards through for the rooms 8 months ahead of time, would she?????
I don't thnk I'd be happy if my card was charged $600+ for a room I won't be seeing for 8 months

Yes, they charge you for the room now and it's non-refundable. Great, huh!

Wrongo. They charge you for one night, non-refundable.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

This will be my first time at the Host hotel, and I have tried for years. I got a room, and I am not a "big" name (yet! :-) ) My card was charged for one night, $151.00. I think they do the best they can.

Thank you to Susan, Suzy and the whole membership of the LRCP that works so hard to make this so so successful, and Fun! I appreciate you all! I can hardly wait!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash
Casey is the CEO of Intercontinental which runs Holiday Inn if anyone would like to tell him about this ordeal

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

50 minutes of calling to a phone that only rings. Then to be told they are sold out in the first 3 minutes. Let's be real.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Why don't they move the dammed circus somewhere there is enough parking and lodging. Everyone cranks about this every year. Potomac has gotten too big for it's skin tight britches and needs a pair of Hammer pants!!!!! I can't believe that there is no where in the whole freekn State of Maryland big enough to accommodate a few thousand Labrador lovers. If you are going to throw a party of epic proportions, treat your quests with respect!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

Sometimes instead of b****'ing and complaining about something, we should do something about it!

If you feel that there should be something bigger and better - join the club and *volunteer* to help the club find a new location.

Notice *volunteer* - the Club is full of them, and they do not get paid for all the time and effort that they put into this event.

So again please, if you feel that you have ideas on how to change the event - JOIN!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

I was able to get two rooms!!!

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

R U Kidding Me???
Why don't they move the dammed circus somewhere there is enough parking and lodging. Everyone cranks about this every year. Potomac has gotten too big for it's skin tight britches and needs a pair of Hammer pants!!!!! I can't believe that there is no where in the whole freekn State of Maryland big enough to accommodate a few thousand Labrador lovers. If you are going to throw a party of epic proportions, treat your quests with respect!

I don't think they've overgrown the location. If you want a big field without a host hotel, I'm sure that can be done. Then everyone can take off for their hotel rooms wherever they might be.

Frederick has a ton of hotels. No one has a problem getting a room within 5 to 10 minutes from the show site.

If you're so concerned then join the club, they take anyone even from other countries and help them.

The problem is as with any club, the same people work the shows, new or old members. The problem isn't the show site although the cost of a room at the host hotel has hit an all time high, last year. Choices can be made to go for reasonable hotels nearby tho. The choice is yours.

Of course the rooms sell out fast. It's sheer luck most of the time. I called at 1 minute of *they're off* and did get a room. I call it luck as I'm not a big name breeder. When that many people are calling at one time, some will get through some wont.

What I don't like is the booking of rooms ahead of time. I'm sure some of you will address that with the CEO as long as someone posted the email address. That should make the old habit come to a halt if the CEO is against it.

There's still only about 150 rooms for more than 150 breeders. I don't know of hotels with more rooms than that in a block that allow dogs in your rooms with you.

So either speak up to the CEO or maybe you need to hush up on a list. There are short & long timed members working their buts off yearly to keep this show going.

I think the grounds are fine. I don't approve of the current cost altho I'm paying it, the cones and reservation of parking and the multiple rooms booked early but what can I do about it? Nothin' but enjoy the show which I do.

Re: LRCP 2011 - News Flash

I wrote to the CEO. I wanted to let him know the Holiday staff does a wonderful job considering the very trying circumstances and difficult people.