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A great movie

I just got home from my Mom's a few minutes ago. Mom is very sick and we spend lots of time talking, reading and watching movies. Well the movie of the day was "Hachi" starring Richard Gere and a fabulous cast of Akitas (and a couple of Shibas that posed as Akita puppies) What an incredble story of the bond between dog and human! It was sometimes funny and sweet and other times heartbreaking. Mom and I bawled our eyes out! As soon as I got home I hugged my dogs tightly, especially my old girlie Lily. We should all spend more time hugging our's good for our souls (and theirs too!)

Re: A great movie

I'm sorry your mom is sick, Melody. I am glad to hear that Hachi is a good movie. We'll have to be sure to watch it.

Re: A great movie

Thanks Mary.....I'm very lucky to have the gift of spending time with her and letting her know how much she means to me and all my siblings too. She's a wonderful Mom!