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Bee problem?

I have a lot of Bees hanging around my dog runs and I worry about my dogs getting stung by them. Does anyone know of a natural product that can deter these pests?

Re: Bee problem?

Are you sure they are bee's? It sounds more like something wasp's do unless there is a nest nearby. Positively identify what you've got first.

Bee's and wasp's both like unpainted wood to nest in so a fresh coat of paint will help after you remove the existing nests.

Wasp's are attracted to food products, garbage etc. do a search for specifics if you need to and try to prevent attracting them.

You can make your own wasp trap with an empty 2 liter bottle, put about 2-3" of apple juice in the bottom and drill or burn 3 holes 1/2" size each about 2" from the top. Drill a smaller hole through the neck for a wire to hang it, I use a cut coat hanger. The wasp's can get in but they can't figure out how to exit. Setting up traps works pretty good but it's best to set them out early in the spring to trap the queen. You can keep adding a little apple juice if your trap fills up (they drown) or just toss and replace it.

If you do indeed have bee's then you should look for a nest close by. They can nest under siding and enter in a small crack. The nest will have to be removed and the crack sealed, just killing the bees isn't enough, rogue bee's will find and try to occupy the empty hive.

I hope this helps.

Re: Bee problem?

The wasp (or fly) trap will work even better if you add a little dish washing detergent to the juice. It is a wetting agent and will coat the wings so that the insects can't fly.

Re: Bee problem?

They are HoneyBees and for some reason they are attracted to dog urine. Even though I hose down the runs and keep them clean, they still come back

Re: Bee problem?

See if you can find a local beekeeper. Sometimes a beekeeper will help you find and relocate a colony.

Re: Bee problem?

It seems weird that the bees are interested in dog pee. Is it possible that one or more of the dogs has glucose in its urine?

Re: Bee problem?

Another One
It seems weird that the bees are interested in dog pee. Is it possible that one or more of the dogs has glucose in its urine?

Very possible. Try to see where exactly the bees are going, or test the dogs for glucose in the urine.

minerals, Re: Bee problem?

It is my understanding that insects are attracted to the source of minerals in urine, and they come to visit the urine, even diluted, of my dogs tested to NOT spill glucose. Carpenter bees seem to be attracted most in the spring to dog or fox urine. Nature doesn't waste anything!

Re: Bee problem?

I feel your pain. My hubby has about 6 or 7 hives on our property. The bees seem to seek out moisture at the dog runs when it is dry and hot.....really makes you want to eat a little honey, huh! After a sting or two, my guys have learned to leave them alone.