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Bitch lifting leg

I've owned a lot of bitches , but this is the first one I've ever had that lifted her leg to pee, like a boy. She'll lift her leg to pee on a post and also over the spot another bitch has just peed. She's 1 1/2 years old and recently spayed. Has anyone else seen this?

Re: Bitch lifting leg

I see it every day with a girl of mine.

Re: Bitch lifting leg

Happens a lot. I had a bitch who could, and would, lift her leg on tent post like a dog.

Re: Bitch lifting leg

I've a bitch that is 6 years and she lifts her leg when she pee's. She doesn't lift as high as a male but she lifts her leg a little above ground when she pee's... I don't think it's that unusual. I've seen it before.

Re: Bitch lifting leg

Yes, I have a girl that likes to mark and she has lifted her leg like that all her life. Have seen her mother almost do it the same. No big deal.

Re: Bitch lifting leg

I have a girl that is 6 years old....she squats to pee...... but lifts her leg to mark on things......she is now spayed but started "lifting" right after her first heat.

Re: Bitch lifting leg

You should read Susan Conant's dog mystery stories. Very good read!!! One of the bitches in her stories does the same thing.