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heat and puppies

With this heat wave we are having this summer I am finding it very hard to take my puppies outside to play and to start being potty trained. What do you all do? I have had litters in the summer before and they where potty trained by 7 weeks. But they could go out for a short time and play in the puppy pool. With it being 90 plus every day I am worried for my puppies.

Re: heat and puppies

I do the same that I do for my winter pups. I have a separate play area to take them to and let them romp around. They love a change of scenery.

Re: heat and puppies

It is alot harder in the Summer in the South and the humidity. Out early to play and late to play, otherwise, very short period of time. Mine have an air condition area but still not the same as play yard and like you said harder to start with the house breaking. No real answer.