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Question RE: Microscope for semen evaluation

Hey guys,

I'm not exactly a science geek so I need some guidance.

Have always taken dogs into my vet for semen evaluation but would like a microscope for my home. What kind is good but relatively inexpensive?

Any recommendations? Thanks.

Question RE: Microscope for semen evaluation

Go to any child's science store, etc. and pick up a kid's microscope that is capable of 10x magnification. It will usually come in a kit with the scope, a few slides of things to teach you and some extra slides & covers for less than $100. This will do all you need in regards to looking at sperm.

Question RE: Microscope for semen evaluation

Thank you so much for the reply. I have looked at a few scopes but didn't want to waste money on the wrong thing. I appreciate your advice and will run out now to get one.

Question RE: Microscope for semen evaluation

I bought one on ebay for about $75. I was told to go with something that has 3 different magnifications, a fine and a course focus and a light source. Basically the same microscope you used in high school. I use it just to verify live sperm that appears to move correctly. Any advanced concerns and I'm off to my repro vet.

Question RE: Microscope for semen evaluation

Liz Martin
I use it just to verify live sperm that appears to move correctly. Any advanced concerns and I'm off to my repro vet.

That's what I'm interested in. No concerns, just curiosity.

Question RE: Microscope for semen evaluation

any of you ever see yellow semen??????????

Question RE: Microscope for semen evaluation

Are you seeing yellow semen or are you seeing Chill 10 extender with semen? That is yellow because it has egg yolk in it. Chill 5 is clear like water.

Question RE: Microscope for semen evaluation

no, freshly collected, no extender

Are you seeing yellow semen or are you seeing Chill 10 extender with semen? That is yellow because it has egg yolk in it. Chill 5 is clear like water.