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color of semen

I am curious if anyone has had any coorelation between blood tinged semen and prostate problems?

What about a collection that is yellowish? I have read could be urine contamination but can't seem to find out why that would happen?

Any thoughts?

Re: color of semen

Yes, my boy had the blood tinged semen and when ultrasounded we realized he had an enlarged prostrate. We put him on proscar (which they also give to humans) and he has been fine ever since.
I too have heard that may be a small amount of urine if it is yellowish.

Re: color of semen

I have seen blood-tinged semen from the penis bleeding slightly due to trauma. I inseminated a bitch with blood-tinged semen and she did get pregnant. I think Nature provides for a little blood during a natural breeding with a lot of thrusting and potential for trauma.

Re: color of semen

I am very interested in why there might be urine in a semen collection?
Any thoughts?

Re: color of semen

I had a vet tell me once not to let the boy pee immediately before a collection. There may be residual urine present when you collect him.

Re: color of semen

Why not take your boy to a repro have have an analysis done if you are concerned?

Re: color of semen

Is it possible that you are looking at semen that has been shipped to you using Chill 10 extender or Camelot? They are yellow in color, unlike Chill 5 which is clear like water. Are looking at it when its just been collected or extended?

Re: color of semen

freshly collected

Is it possible that you are looking at semen that has been shipped to you using Chill 10 extender or Camelot? They are yellow in color, unlike Chill 5 which is clear like water. Are looking at it when its just been collected or extended?