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Major Recruit in Progress

Anyone interested in trying to create majors in Cheyenne WY on Sept 4th and 5th?

Saturday, Sept 4th-Mrs Theresa L Hundt
Sunday, Sept 5th Mr. Houston Clark

Shows close this Wednesday August 18th.


11 dogs 11 bitches for 3 points
14 dogs 13 bitches for 4 points
19 dogs 18 bitches for 5 points

Then October 22-25th in Rapid City (closing October 6th) with the same point schedule the following are judging;

Friday, Oct 22-Mr. Jon R. Cole
Saturday, Oct 23-Mrs. Sherrie Morgan
Sunday, Oct 24-Mrs. Michele L. Billings
Monday, Oct 25-Mr. Joseph R. Gregory

Those areas are beautiful, cool and relaxing that time of year.

Re: Major Recruit in Progress

How about Des Moines next month or Sioux City Halloween weekend? We need more majors!

Re: Major Recruit in Progress

I have one bitch in BBE for Sat in Cheyenne.

Re: Major Recruit in Progress

Boy I wish we had that point schedule in California! Good luck building your majors!

Re: Major Recruit in Progress

Possibly could make it to SD.

No to Des Moines, IA...their point schedule is not the same as these anyway...they are in with CO now and I think a 3 pt in bitches is 21 or 22. Anyway...don't care for those judges in Des would be hard pulling off majors with them. Last year was barely majors and that was with some major organizing.

Re: Major Recruit in Progress

Boy I wish we had that point schedule in California! Good luck building your majors!

No kidding. It takes 20 dogs and 24 bitches for just a 3 pt major. Sadly an upcoming 4 day dog show, with not only a respected breeder/judge but several other quality judges failed to pull even a 3 point major. The show is in a nice venue with good weather. Is this is just the sign of the times?

Re: Major Recruit in Progress

It is 22 dogs and 26 bitches in OR/WA, and while we often seem to get close to a major, it usually ends up being 2 points. This time of year is hard though - many dogs are out of coat and people do not want to spend the $ to show them.

Re: Major Recruit in Progress

Cheyenne WY show closes tomorrow. Last year there was a major on Saturday...let's make it a major both days this year! THANKS EVERYONE!!!

See you there!

Re: Major Recruit in Progress

Cheyenne, Wyoming closes today! Remember to make your entries!!!