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Weight for bitch puppy at 17 weeks

I have been following the thread as to when to change puppy food to adult food and my question to breeders who have held back pups is this. How much should they weigh at 17 weeks old? My female is a medium bone girl who is on a puppy food and she weighs 39.6 lbs. Is this to much? Would she be growing to fast? I usually feed puppies what I feed my adults and that is Natural Balance Ultra . It is an All Growth Premium dog food. This is the first one that I put on puppy food because she looked pretty puny when she arrived in the south from flying across the country in the horrible heat of the summer. She had been on a not so premium adult food and her breeder said that she was kenneled outside and did not eat well for the 2 weeks prior due to the heat. She lives inside my home and is just a wonderful happy girl who now loves to eat. I feed her 1+ 1/4 cups 3 times a day. Anyone have a pup that age or close that can tell me their weight? If she is growing to fast, I will slowly switch her to my adult food. Thank you in advance.

Re: Weight for bitch puppy at 17 weeks

My pups at that age tend to be about 40- 45 pounds. I would not worry.

Re: Weight for bitch puppy at 17 weeks

I have a puppy who is just turning 16 and last week she weighed 28 lbs but consider her on the smaller side so your puppies weight sounds about right. They do say at 4 months change them to adult food.

Re: Weight for bitch puppy at 17 weeks

I have a puppy girl that is 17 weeks and 2 days old. I guess she weighs around 40.2 lbs... so I guess that your girl is normal. I think her sister is a little heavier and her one of her brother is around 45 to 50 lbs...
My girl will be 4 months tomorrow and I'm still feeding her puppy food... I haven't made up my mind on when I will switch over to adult food but I'll at least give her another month on puppy food. She's not fat at all... and I want her to get all the ingredients that she needs for normal growing.

Re: Weight for bitch puppy at 17 weeks

Thank you all for the information. My girl seems to be right where she needs to be. I also will keep her on puppy food for several more months. As I said she was very thin when she came and so far with the benefit of a good daily vitamin, a premium puppy food and living in the house during these very hot days she is coming together very well. She had the tiniest baby teeth I had ever seen , almost level with her gums in a wide square jaw and I wondered if it was attributed to her mother not having enough calcium intake during pregnancy. Her two adult teeth on the top have come in and she looks like a little beaver they are so big compared to the baby teeth left. When I saw they were a normal size I felt like my decision to feed puppy food for several months was a good one. Thank you all again.