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Kennel Cough antibiotic

My vet suggests the above antibiotic for Kennel Cough, thoughts?

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

Anyone??? I am hoping for some feedback on this antibiotic, for those that may have used it for Kennel Cough. Thanks in advance.

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

Touch wood...I've never had a case bad enough to warrant a med like this.

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

Have a vet that recommends this, and another vet I use recommends Clavamox, to shorten duration and lessen risk of secondary infection/complications. I have a 13 year old boy and also two four month old pups, besides several healthy young adults. Thanks for your feedback.

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

Is the antibiotic a treatment or used as a preventative??? Just want to clarify. JMO but usually older/mature dogs aren't affected (or perhaps as much) as the younger ones with KC. Good luck!

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

The antibiotic would be used for those with symptoms, but prior to any symptoms of secondary infection-in the hopes of shortening the course and preventing possible secondary infection. My vet recommends the use of antibiotics, rather than letting it run its course.

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

Just got over 4 with kennel cough, and the vet gave us Doxycycline which is meant to target upper respiratory symptoms. The cough only lasted about 5-7 days max.

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

How old were they? TIA

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

The only one that really seems to work against KC is Doxycycline. SMZs can cause a permanent dry eye condition in dogs, and aren't used very much any more. Clavamox is reserved for puppies with KC as doxy will cause their permanent teeth to be discolored.

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

Kennel Cough/treatment
My vet suggests the above antibiotic for Kennel Cough, thoughts?

My vets used this on 2 of my older dogs who got severe kennel cough from youngsters I had out at shows.

One oldster did end up with dry-eye from the med; treated with an eye ointment that is an anti-rejection drug - can't think of the name of it right now. Treatment was successful.

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

Thanks you all, for the feedback, appreciate it. We are going with Doxy for the adults and Clavamox for the puppies as soon as symptoms present, as recommended by the second vet I use. She cautioned about the Sulfa drugs for Labradors due to the potential side effects.
Thanks again for the feedback.

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

Am I the only one who rests the dog, uses a cough suppressant (DM formula) and waits it out? I find the cough only lasts a few days and I never have to give antibiotics.

I'm concerned with our overuse of antibiotics and prefer to hold off on them until I REALLY need them. My vet told me that unless the cough results in a secondary infection then they aren't needed.

Re: Kennel Cough antibiotic

Cathy, my vet tells me that the most recent literature supports the use of antibiotics for kennel cough. She is generally conservative and certainly is aware of the problems with over use of antibiotics. She feels antibiotics are warranted with cases of kennel cough, both to reduce the risk of secondary infection and shorten the duration. That said, so far I have been waiting it out, but I am prepared to use Doxy for the adults and Clavamox for the youngsters if/when they begin coughing. Right now I have two adults coughing, so I am watching them closely and considering my vet's advice to treat.