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Lyme Vaccine??

Trying to advise and yet not interfere with my adult daughter's Lab pup (4 mos. old) but she told me today they've been advised by the vet to give the dog the Lyme vaccine. I seem to recall that this is not advisable for Labs but can't remember why. I work my two Labs and have never done the Lyme vaccine for them. Any suggestions/info would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Re: Lyme Vaccine??

I don't know of any adverse reaction to Lyme vaccine which is particular to Labs. I used to use it with no problem on mine. I have since stopped getting it because it CAN have bad side effects and it is not a very effective vaccine. I certainly wouldn't give it to a four month old puppy. Lyme is only one of several serious tick borne diseases, I think you're better off using something to keep all ticks away. I use a PrevenTick collar but topicals also work. There's some good information here, which you might want to direct your daughter to:

Re: Lyme Vaccine??

It depends. I have had 3 of my puppies (dogs) die from Lyme nephritis. They lived in a high-Lyme area. Even so, the vets failed find the Lyme connection until it was too late. So I guess the question is, where does this puppy live? I also have a vague recollection that where Lyme vaccination is appropriate, it should be started early. You need to check on that. Also of note, the early Lyme vaccination was questionable. I believe things are better now.

Re: Lyme Vaccine??

The last time I had my dog vaccinated for Lyme Disease, it actually gave the dog Lyme Disease. This was over ten years ago. When I confronted the doctor about this, she said that it can occur in a small percentage of cases. I don't know if that is still true, but it was cold comfort hearing about that particular possible "side effect" after the fact.

You might want to suggest to your daughter that she ask her doctor whether it is still possible for a dog to get the disease from the vaccination itself.

Re: Lyme Vaccine??

For what it is worth
The last time I had my dog vaccinated for Lyme Disease, it actually gave the dog Lyme Disease. This was over ten years ago. When I confronted the doctor about this, she said that it can occur in a small percentage of cases. I don't know if that is still true, but it was cold comfort hearing about that particular possible "side effect" after the fact.

You might want to suggest to your daughter that she ask her doctor whether it is still possible for a dog to get the disease from the vaccination itself.

In a small percentage of cases, the old Lyme Vax could cause Lyme Disease. This will not happen with the Recombitek Lyme vaccine. I live in a high risk area and all my dogs get the Recombitek Lyme serum annually with no ill effects. It is not 100% eeffective against Lyme Disease (are any vaccines?), but any coverage against the disease is better than either the old serum or no serum at all.

Re: Lyme Vaccine??

We do a lot of field work with our dogs in south eastern Michigan. I've always incorporated a two part Lymes vacination in their puppy shot regime and continue boosters as adults. I've never had a problem.

Re: Lyme Vaccine??

my vet still does not recommend the vaccine,esp. for labs, even in high tick areas-preventative methods are the choice to deter ticks. If you are in a high tick area then great that the vaccine "may" provide some protection but what about all the other tick borne diseases?

Re: Lyme Vaccine??

"my vet still does not recommend the vaccine,esp. for labs, even in high tick areas-preventative methods are the choice to deter ticks. If you are in a high tick area then great that the vaccine "may" provide some protection but what about all the other tick borne diseases?"

"here" - If you are referring to my post, I did not mention what sort of tick preventive program I use, so don't draw unwarranted conclusions. I got a really negative reaction to the tone of your post. You are certainly free to do whatever you want, listen to any vet you want, and put whatever you want on and in your dogs. I am thrilled that there is the Recombitek Lyme vaccine available for dogs. I wish there was also an effective vaccine for humans...I would take it in a heartbeat!

Re: Lyme Vaccine??

"been there too"- no i was not referring to your post, I was responding to a thread in general-wow.
Sorry you got the wrong impression-the "tone" of a post can only be interpreted by the individual reader so I wish you would read posts not feeling you are being targeted and realize all responses are opinions which, everyone is entitled to.
There was a Lyme vaccine for humans but it was discontinued by manufacturer due to low demand I believe.

Re: Lyme Vaccine??

I never used to vaccinate until 2 of my dogs came down with Lyme. I was lucky and caught it as part of their annual exams since neither displayed any typical symptoms.

I now vaccinate all my dogs and have never had a reaction. I just space out my shots so the dogs are not getting multiple shots at one time.

Re: Lyme Vaccine??

It wasn't low demand. . . it was that the health insurance companies were not reimbursing doctors for it. So it was actually costing the doctors money for them to prescribe it. It was a wonderful vaccine. I was inoculated for the vaccine. Subsequently, a couple of years ago, I needed blood work and my Lyme titer came back very high. A different Lyme test was done and I was Lyme free. According to my doctor, I am very immune to Lyme despite having the vaccine maybe 10 years ago
( a guess).