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repaired uterine tear

Does anyone have any information or experience about breeding again after a uterine tear which was repaired during a C-section? Bitch's tear was along the striation in the muscle (transverse) rather than vertical. Certainly not considering a back to back breeding, BTW. Not looking for flames...just honest feedback. No breeding has occurred yet...

Re: repaired uterine tear

Murphy, I was told by two good repro vets that the bitch should be bred on her next season. The scar tissue will not be as bad. Unless your girl had a really bad time I would follow this advise or unless your vet felt she did not have an overall strong uterine wall. Then of coures you know what to do.
Sorry not signing my name but don't want flames either from know it all newbies:>)

Re: repaired uterine tear

I waited 2 1/2 years before I bred my girl again after she had hers repaired during a csection(not done by my repro vet) and to be safe my repro vet did a surgical so that she could look at the condition of her uterus before we went ahead with the breeding. All went well though my girl did carry her litter high up and I knew she had resorbed some puppies as around 5 weeks she looked smaller, but then continued to grow. She had a planned csection and my repro vet suggested spaying her (which she is reluctant to do at a csection) because my girl had a large adhesion around her uterus that would have made healing and the involution of her uterus uncomfortable as it would be pulling,it was her last litter anyways and I had no intention of breeding her again so we spayed her and she is doing fabulous.

Re: repaired uterine tear

Does anyone have any information or experience about breeding again after a uterine tear which was repaired during a C-section? Bitch's tear was along the striation in the muscle (transverse) rather than vertical. Certainly not considering a back to back breeding, BTW. Not looking for flames...just honest feedback. No breeding has occurred yet...

If your vet that performed the c-section feels she can be bred I would wait at least 1 to 1.5 years. I wouldn't want to wait until she's too old either. Make sure she's in great shape and try not to let her overdo during a pregnancy, especially the later weeks when the uterine horns expand the most.

Women have c-sections, myomectomies and other uterine surgeries where they are able to carry again to term. A bitch should be able to with plenty of rest inbetween and if she is in good shape. If I were in your shoes, I would speak to the vet again and possibly spend $40 to speak to Hutch to be sure she's safe carrying another litter. You might want to ask if she's better off having another c-section or to allow her to deliver naturally. I'm not a fan of doing a planned c-section and I don't jump into them but with her prior history, she might be better off not going through the throws of labor. Good luck with her.