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NewBorn puppy..negative reaction to Dopram INJECTION???? Help

Hi..had c-section..two just fine, one barely breathing, but breathing, vet tech INJECTED the puppy with dopram in the tong. She came around strong and nursing but had tremors like a person with Parkinsons. Her whole body head and legs. It never went away and after 36 hours she died. She was a good nurser when I put her on. I've had dopram c-section pups in the past and they were "cranky" for a while but it would wear off and they had DROPS under the tong. Need some input here as to weather INJECTING the Dopram was correct or not and if others have had negative results "tremors" etc. after dopram????
Thanks, Nancy

Re: NewBorn puppy..negative reaction to Dopram INJECTION???? Help

Most repro vets don't use dopram anymore. It causes an increased requirement for O2 in the brain before the pups start breathing well.

Re: NewBorn puppy..negative reaction to Dopram INJECTION???? Help

Now I know why my vet did not want to give me Dopram for my recent litter. She said it can be dangerous and did not want me to use it. I'm glad I listened and didn't borrow from a breeder that offered it.

I've never heard of it injected, only a drop under the tongue.

I extend my sorrow for the loss of your pup. It sounds like she seized from a reaction to the injected Dopram. Thank you for sharing your information. I hope breeders reading this will be cautious with Dopram because of your experience. Between what my vet told me and your bad experience, I would never use it, recommended or not. I will continue using liver juice and ask my vet if there is an alternative that is safe.

Re: NewBorn puppy..negative reaction to Dopram INJECTION???? Help

well said..I echo your thoughts and condolences.
My last litter I too asked for it and my vet absolutely refused. She said it is only to be used under hospital and doctor supervision-she stated it is not as "benign" a drug as some breeders think.
To the OP, I'm very sorry for your loss and thank you for sharing your terrible experience so that others may learn from it.

Re: NewBorn puppy..negative reaction to Dopram INJECTION???? Help

No experience with this, but wanted to add my condolences. I am so sorry for your loss.

Re: NewBorn puppy..negative reaction to Dopram INJECTION???? Help

So sorry this has happened. There's lots of stuff on Dopram to be found on the web. It does sound like an overdose is possible, maybe the chart will state what dose was given.

"Conditions of use:


Amount: For intravenous use in dogs at a dose of 2 1/2 to 5 milligrams of doxapram hydrochloride per pound of body weight in barbiturate anesthesia, 0.5 milligrams per pound in gas anesthesia. For subcutaneous, sublingual, or umbilical vein administration in neonate puppies at a dose rate of 1 to 5 milligrams. Dosage may be repeated in 15 to 20 minutes if necessary.

Indications: Administer to dogs to stimulate respiration during and after general anesthesia; to speed awakening and return of reflexes after anesthesia. Administer to neonate dogs to initiate respiration following dystocia or caesarean section; to stimulate respiration following dystocia or caesarean section."

Excessive pressor effect, tachycardia, skeletal muscle hyperactivity and enhanced deep tendon reflexes may be early signs of overdosage. Therefore the blood pressure, pulse rate, and deep tendon reflexes should be evaluated periodically and the dosage or infusion rate adjusted accordingly. Convulsive seizures are unlikely at recommended dosages but intravenous anticonvulsants, oxygen, and resuscitative equipment should be available."

Re: NewBorn puppy..negative reaction to Dopram INJECTION???? Help

I Thank Everyone for their kind thoughts and wishes they DO help. "KD" is a beautiful bitch I bought from Karen Day and now I will never have a bitch from her.The vet felt she should not be bred again and when closing the c section sewed her up different than usual (inside.) From her first litter the people who have the pick bitch will not honor their contract with me even though THEY forced it to Legal Arbitration and I won. This is why "old Timers" are afraid to mentor newbies! I will also go to the suggested web site Thank You.
BUT IMPORTAND NEWS... I spoke with Dr. Bob Hutchinson, whom I feel WALKS ON WATER and he said a drop under the tongue when necessary is FINE. Just not injected into it! Thanks again, Nancy