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Kidneys and Lyme Disease - Help?

I received a call from a friend early this morning about her 5 year old spayed mixed breed dog. The dog has been drinking alot and urinating alot for about 4 days. A vet visit yesterday confirmed lyme disease (tested high positive) and the vet said the dog's "kidneys are not working." UTI and diabetes was ruled out. The dog is eating well and acting normal, just drinking and peeing more than normal. The vet told my friend that "It may be too late," and sent my friend home with her dog and a 30 day course of doxy. My friend reviewed the kidney test results with the vet, and the values were not within the normal range, but didn't seem to be very far off. (I don't know what the numbers were or what tests. I don't know if blood was taken or if this diagnosis was solely on the basis of a snap test and urinalysis.) My friend is to take the dog back to the vet in two weeks for another urinalysis.
So, I guess my question is, is there anything else that my friend (or her vet?) could be doing with this dog at this point? Any other supportive treatments or suggestions that anyone can recommend?
My friend is beside herself with worry. I would think that if the dog were gravely ill and the kidneys were truly not working, the vet would have kept the dog and given IVs to flush the kidneys, or something?
Any suggestions or direction here? My friend asked me to ask "the dog people I know" for help. So, please, anyone???

Re: Kidneys and Lyme Disease - Help?

I would take the dog immed. to a Bd. Cert. Internist and let them evaluate and treat.
If Kidneys are not functioning well at the very least diet should be changed.

Re: Kidneys and Lyme Disease - Help?

I would second the recommendation to go to a specialist.

Re: Kidneys and Lyme Disease - Help?

I agree with a specialist.

take blood work results with you.

CoQ10, E, EPA/DHA fish oil all support the kidneys

lots of good info here

prayers they can reverse the levels or at least keep them in check.

I would think if kidneys were not working they would have this dog on sub Q fluids.

Re: Kidneys and Lyme Disease - Help?

Thank you. I will pass these suggestions on.