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puppy coats

In your experience are puppy coats a true indication of what the adult coat will be? Just wondering what your experiences have been.

Re: puppy coats

In short no.

Re: puppy coats

I find puppy coats a bit fickle from my experience anyway. I've kept back pups that had wonderful coats as pups and then when they turned 2 yrs old, their coats turned softer than I like and not quite as much under coat as I like to see. This is more a problem in my yellow lines but if I breed my yellow girls to a black boy who has a proper coat and lots of it, I find the pups have much nicer coats over all.

Re: puppy coats

I'm curious if it can go the other way-ever. Can puppy coats that look like they have less undercoat and are a bit softer come up with a decent adult coat?

Re: puppy coats

I had what I thought was a horrible coat, very dry, brittle etc.

I had two puppies I didn't place in the litter, my keeper and another boy with this bad coat, sparse, slick and like I said, DRY.

Fast forward 8 months and I just placed my pick. I'm hanging on to the other puppy, he just has such a great coarse and thick double coat. Best I ever bred.