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Shaved and Sorry

My young male got into a Foxtail plant and one of those prickles abcessed in his leg. He had to go in for surgery to have it removed and I didn't even think to remind the vets that he is a showdog, and to shave as little as possible.

He has 2 shaved areas now on his legs, one from the IV and the other where the surgery site was on his other leg. It is still considerably noticeable. And it has been a little over 2 months now.

How long does it take to grow back in completely? I have him entered in a few upcoming shows.

Re: Shaved and Sorry

You can give biotin to help with growth but be sure to give a b complex as well. the body will not absorbe one b vitamin alone.

IMO it also depends on what food you are feeding.

fish oil can help too.

Re: Shaved and Sorry

It takes about 4 months to grow coat back completely.
You can still show him as the coat grows back, it is no disqualification. Feel lucky that the foxtail(s) did not puncture his lungs or heart sac, or migrate though the abdominal cavity. They are nasty and can cause major, expensive problems.

Re: Shaved and Sorry

Pat the areas with a quite cool wet cloth several times a day - it works like the cool weather of winter in stimulating coat growth. Just like some handlers hose dogs with cold water daily to keep/give thicker coats.

I also give an egg a day - maybe old wives tale but seems to bring in B** coats very quickly after whelp.