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surgical implant

We did a surgical implant with fresh semen last Friday with our girl. She is acting normal, eating drinking, pooping, peeing and her temp is normal. She has a gooey, green discharge coming out of her vagina. She has had this for about two days now. It is like snot, when a kid has a bad cold. Sorry for the gross discription but I don't know how else to explain it. We are headed into the vet tomorrow morning for a check-up. Just wondering if any of you have had this before. This is our first surgical. The incision looks clean and is healing nicely. Any thoughts are appreciated.

Re: surgical implant

As you have planned to do.

A green discharge is definately somthing to worry about.

Prayers you catch this early enough and perhaps the right antibiotic will take care of it.

with a surgical the uterus is fully examined - hoping your vet did that during the surgical procedure.

Re: surgical implant

Good thoughts for your girl Shelley! Hopefully everything will work out for you.

Have you been to the vet yet? Please keep us posted!

Re: surgical implant

I took my girl into the vet. He examined her and did a vaginal swab. Looked at it under the microscope and didn't see anything too abnormal. Forgot to mention she was on antibiotics since her heat started as she missed last time we bred her. At that time she did have a smelly, dark brown discharge at the end of her heat cycle. The discharge has since dissapeared. He did a culture and sent it off to the lab just to make sure. He also gave us another weeks worth of antibiotics just to cover her. I hope to hear the results this week. I have her booked for an ultrasound on the 12th of September.

Thanks Shelley for your thoughts.
Paws crossed for my girl.

Re: surgical implant

Paws crossed for you!

Re: surgical implant

Get to the vet
As you have planned to do.

A green discharge is definately somthing to worry about.

Prayers you catch this early enough and perhaps the right antibiotic will take care of it.

with a surgical the uterus is fully examined - hoping your vet did that during the surgical procedure.

The 2 uterine horns can't be *fully examined*. The areas that are opened can be thoroughly examined, yes. The repro wants to get in and out of there tho. They're implanting semen and sure they look for abnormalities but can't go too far.

I just had a breeder newer to surical implants ask me a similar question knowing I've had 4 done. I told her to ask the repro vet also, someone very well known and he said the same. A repro vet doing an implant can't examine the entire length of each uterine horn. They do look for problems in the exposed areas in and outside those parts of the uterine horns.

OP, I would be concerned by the color & consistency of the discharge you describe. I hope the implant goes well considering this early occurrence.